Learn the exact steps you need to take to become a rapper in BitLife with our easy to follow guide!
By: Shaun Savage - Last Updated:
If you’re looking to experience the lifestyle of a rapper then why not live vicariously in BitLife? In game, the career path to becoming a successful hip hop artist is a lot more easily done. You will be able to sell a whole lot of singles and albums, while making a bunch of money while doing it. The process of actually becoming a rapper in the game can be pretty random, but we’ll tell you exactly what you need to know in this guide.
BitLife Rapper Guide
Time needed:10 minutes.
To become a rapper in BitLife, you will need to take Voice Lessons that can be found in the Mind & Body menu. Keep taking the lessons until you’ve maxed out your skill. Afterwards, head over to the Jobs menu and look for Special Careers. Then pick Musician, Solo Artist, and audition for a record label as a Singer. If you succeed in your audition, you will possibly be given a contract as a rapper!
- Create a character
You would ideally like to have high looks, because this seems to hold some sway over your character’s success in the fame category, but I can’t confirm that it is necessary for becoming a rapper. If you have God Mode, I would make sure to make your hidden talent music.
- Age up to 8 years old
All you need to do now is to age yourself up to 8 years old. This will open up voice lessons that you can take in the Activities > Mind & Body section of the game. You will ask your parent if you can take them, and it should usually go through. If it doesn’t, I recommend closing out of the application completely and trying again. The reaction appears to be random. Do the voice lessons three times a year until you’ve maxed out the skill.
- Max out your voice skill and age to 18 years old
If you have been doing the voice lessons three times a year until you reach 18 years in the game it should be maxed out or nearly maxed out. If not, you might need to get a quick job and continue doing the lessons until you have reached 100% skill level in voice.
- Audition as a singer
Head to the Jobs area and select Special Careers. Pick the Musician option, and then select Solo Artist. In the “pick your career type” area, choose the Singer option. The record label doesn’t matter, but you can pick whichever one you want. Go to the audition. If it goes badly, I recommend closing out of the app and trying again. You could also try auditioning at the other record labels.
- Sign into the rap genre
This is the key step, because you will be given a random genre of music in your contract. This can be pop, country, rock, and others. Obviously, we want to be a rapper so we need the rap genre. If you don’t get it, you will want to close out of the application and try again. If you turn down an offer, it’s possible that the record label will not give you another audition in the future! This step could take a while because it’s completely random what you get and you might not see the rap genre for many tries.
- Pick a stage name
Once you’ve gotten your rap contract, you will now pick a stage name. You can go with whatever you want, it will make no difference.
- Drop a single or album
You already have successfully become a rapper, but if you want to be a popular one you are going to have to release some music. If you go to the jobs menu and pick the rapper option, you will see that you have the ability to release albums and singles. You can pretty much only do one of these a year, so I would do a single or two first then drop your album. This way you will be more popular and hopefully that helps your sales.
That’s everything you need to know about becoming a rapper in BitLife! Be sure to check out theBitLife section of our websitefor more guides on the game.
Shaun Savage
Shaun Savage is the founder and editor-in-chief of Try Hard Guides. He has been covering and writing about video games for over 9 years. He is a 2013 graduate of the Academy of Art University with an A.A. in Web Design and New Media. In his off-time, he enjoys playing video games, watching bad movies, and spending time with his family.