Instructional Technology Help Center - FAQs for PowerSchool (2025)

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What is PowerSchool?

PowerSchool provides parents information on their student(s) through the Internet. With an internet connection and a PowerSchool user account, parents may access their child’s attendance, current grades, class schedule and other information in one location, with one password.

How do I establish an account?

When possible, please go, in person, to your child’s school so they can verify your identity and provide your Access ID and Access Password. During Distance Learning, parents may also obtain this information by submitting a request via the Contact Us page. Please note, only legal guardians may pick up student access key information.

How do I log on to PowerSchool?

The web address for PowerSchool is found at:

Once you have setup an account you may also download the PowerSchool App for iPhone or Android. Use the District Code WQCW for West Shore PowerSchool access.

Does the school setup my PowerSchool Parent Portal Account?

No, parents must set up their own account. Click here for instructions.

Who do I contact with general PowerSchool Parent Portal questions?

If this FAQ does not answer your question you can contact your child’s school. We cannot troubleshoot problems with your computer only Parent Portal account issues.

Who do I contact with a question about my child’s grades?

Contact your child’s individual teacher with specific grading questions.

Who do I contact with a question about my child’s attendance?

Contact the attendance secretary at your child’s school.

What do I do if I forgot my PowerSchool Parent Portal login user name or password?

All of the information viewed on PowerSchool is password protected. It is, therefore important that you keep your password completely private. On the PowerSchool Parent Portal page is a link called “Forgot Username or Password?” It will step you through the process of requesting your account information. The information will be sent to the email you linked to your PowerSchool Parent Portal account. If you do not receive a username or password reset email please contact us using the District Contact Us page.

Why am I not receiving email notifications that I signed up for?

If you are not receiving email from check your spam or junk folder first. If that is not the issue please contact us using the District Contact Us page.

Do I have to have a separate account for each of my children?

No. You can have one account with all of your children attached. You just need the Access ID and Access Password for each child.

How do I add an additional student after my account has been established?

Log in to the Parent Portal and select the Accounts Preferences link. Select the Students tab. To the right of the My Students heading, select the Add + button. Enter the student's name, access ID, and access password (contact your child's school for the access password if needed), and select your relationship to the student from the drop-down menu. Click Submit. You will now see the additional student(s) listed under the My Students list. The additional student names will also appear across the top of the blue header. You may click on a student name to view specific data.

Can both parents have a PowerSchool Parent Portal Account with different usernames and passwords?

Yes. Both parents can have their own separate parent portal account. You can also allow access for other guardians as well. You can allow them to setup their own accounts by giving them the Access Codes.

What do I do if I do not want a particular person to have access to my child, but I already gave them the Access ID and Password?

If this is a custody change issue, you will need to get a court order to prevent a parent from having access to your child’s account, just as you would to prevent them from having access to their information within the school. If this is an auxiliary adult, like an aunt or an uncle who no longer needs access, you can request the school to have the account disabled/removed and the student’s Access ID changed to prevent them from setting up a new account.

Will the PowerSchool Parent Portal be up all year?

In the event that we do an upgrade to the system, we may take it down temporarily. It will also be inaccessible during the summer when we are updating information and scheduling for the upcoming year.

How quickly will students’ grades and attendance be available in the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

The information is in real-time. As soon as a teacher publishes grades or takes attendance on your child, it shows up in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Grades will be entered in a timely manner. It is not expected, however, that a test or major assignment will be graded and entered into PowerSchool Parent Portal the same day it is completed. Depending on the complexity of the assignment it may be several school days before the grades are posted into the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Please be patient.

Will I be able to make changes to my student’s information via the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

Not at the current time. Future updates could include such features, but right now, the only thing you can change via the PowerSchool Parent Portal is your account information and your email preferences.

Will I still be able to access the PowerSchool Parent Portal if my child transfers to another school?

If a student transfers to another school within the West Shore School District (ex. moving to a new address or moving up a grade) parent/guardian accounts will follow the student. No further action will be required of the parent to access his/her account.

What happens to my account if my child transfers out of the district?

This access is a service offered to all parents/guardians of currently active students. Once a student is withdrawn or graduates, the PowerSchool Parent Portal account will be deactivated.

I believe the security of my Parent Portal username and/or password has been compromised, what should I do?

Please change your Parent Portal username and/or password on the Account Preferences page of the Parent Portal.

Instructional Technology Help Center - FAQs for PowerSchool (2025)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.