Is Athens Safe for Travel? Athens Travel & Safety Guide (May 2023) (2024)

If you’re considering a trip to Athens, you may be wondering if Athens is safe to visit.

Athens is a captivating city that seamlessly blends ancient history with modern vibrancy. If you’re considering a trip to this remarkable destination, you might have some questions about safety, travel advisories, and how to ensure a secure experience.

Athensis the capital and largest city of Greece. Athens dominates theAtticaregion and is one of the world’s oldest cities, with its recorded history spanning approximately 3,400 years.

Some of the popular tourist sights include the Acropolis, the Parthenon Temple, the Acropolis Museum, the National Archaeological Museum, The Ancient Agora, Syntagma Square, and the Temple of Olympian Zeus among many others.

While it’s true that Athens has its share of challenges, there are some steps you can take to help ensure your safety in Athens. I will cover all the information you need to know regarding whether Athens is safe.

We’ll explore the crime rate, safety tips, and areas to avoid, so you can feel more confident before your next trip.

In this blog post, I will also explore the current Athens travel advisory, share essential tips for staying safe, offer solo travel advice so you will not become a victim of petty crime, and I will also provide you with a list of luxury hotels that will elevate your experience.

Let’s dive in!

Is Athens Safe for Travel? Athens Travel & Safety Guide (May 2023) (1)

Is Athens Safe: Fact vs Fiction

When comparing the safety of Athens, Greece, to crime rates in the United States, it’s important to note that each destination has its unique characteristics and crime patterns. Here are some key points to consider:

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  1. Overall Crime Rates: Athens, Greece, generally has lower violent crime rates compared to many cities in the United States. However, like any major city, it is not entirely free from crime. There have been reports of sexual assault and Petty crimes such as pickpocketing and theft can occur, especially in tourist areas. It’s crucial to take precautions to safeguard your belongings and be aware of your surroundings.
  2. Gun Violence: The United States experiences a higher incidence of gun-related violence compared to Greece. The accessibility and prevalence of firearms contribute to this disparity. While Greece has a lower rate of gun-related crimes, it’s still important to exercise caution and remain vigilant in any urban environment because there are drug dealers everywhere you go
  3. Cultural Differences: Societal and cultural differences can influence crime rates and safety perceptions. Greece has a strong sense of community and generally embraces tourism, making visitors feel welcome and safe. However, it’s advisable to be cautious in crowded areas and take standard safety precautions.
  4. Tourist Areas: Popular tourist areas in Athens, such as the Acropolis and Plaka, are generally safe but can attract pickpockets and scam artists. Stay alert, secure your belongings, and be cautious of anyone approaching you with unsolicited assistance or overly friendly behavior.
  5. Police Presence: Athens has a visible police presence, especially in tourist areas and city centers, which helps deter and address criminal activities. If you encounter any issues or emergencies, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from the local authorities.

It’s worth noting that crime rates can vary within different regions of the United States, and generalizations should be made with caution.

I always recommended researching and staying informed about the specific safety conditions and travel advisories for both Athens and any U.S. destinations you plan to visit.

Crime Rates in Athens

Athens is one of the most popular destinations in Europe, with its rich history and vibrant culture attracting millions of visitors each year.

However, the question of safety is always at the forefront of travelers’ minds when considering a trip to Athens.

When it comes to crime rates, Athens has seen a decline in recent years, with a reduction in both violent and non-violent crimes. However, like any big city, there are still areas and situations to be wary of.

Pickpocketing, especially in crowded tourist areas, remains the most common crime in Athens.

It’s important to note that the crime rate in Athens is not higher than in other European cities, and with the proper precautions, you can stay safe during your trip. Be sure to keep an eye on your belongings and be aware of your surroundings, especially at night.

While it’s important to be cautious, don’t let concerns about safety deter you from experiencing the beauty and wonder of Athens. With a little bit of preparation and awareness, you can enjoy a safe and memorable trip to this fascinating city.

So, is Greece safe for travel? Yes, as long as you take the necessary precautions.

Greece Travel Advisory

Travel Advisory
October 4, 2022

Greece – Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions

Travel Advisory Levels

Is Athens Safe for Travel? Athens Travel & Safety Guide (May 2023) (2)

Assistance for U.S. Citizens

U.S. Embassy Athens

91 Vasilisis Sophias Avenue
10160 Athens, Greece

Is Athens Safe for Travel? Athens Travel & Safety Guide (May 2023) (3)

Is it Safe to Travel to Athens, Greece

Is Athens safe to visit in 2023? As we book our summer 2023 travels we are all trying to determine which destinations are safe. It’s likely that Athens will continue to be a safe destination for travelers.

The city has made great strides in recent years to improve its infrastructure and safety measures.

If you’re planning a trip to Athens in the summer of 2023 make sure to do your research and stay informed about any potential risks.

Stay up-to-date on current events and take advantage of resources like travel advisories and embassy warnings.

By taking these precautions seriously, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to this incredible city. Don’t let concerns about safety hold you back from experiencing all that Athens has to offer!

What Type of Crimes will you Most Likely Encounter in Greece

In Athens, Greece, the most common types of crimes you may encounter are typically non-violent crimes, especially in tourist areas. These crimes are often opportunistic and aimed at theft or scams.

Here are some examples:

  1. Pickpocketing: Pickpocketing is a prevalent crime in crowded places such as public transportation, markets, and tourist attractions. Thieves may work in groups and employ various distraction techniques to target unsuspecting individuals and steal their wallets, phones, or other valuables. It is crucial to be cautious and keep a close eye on your belongings.
  2. Purse Snatching: Similar to pickpocketing, bag snatching involves thieves quickly grabbing bags or purses from individuals, often while riding a motorcycle or bicycle. This crime is more likely to occur in busy streets or areas with heavy foot traffic. To minimize the risk, keep your bag secured and avoid loosely holding it.
  3. Theft from Cars: Opportunistic thieves may target parked cars, especially if valuable items are left visible inside. It’s advisable to avoid leaving any belongings unattended in your vehicle or to store them out of sight in the trunk.
  4. Scams: Athens, like any tourist destination, has its fair share of scams. These can range from fake charity solicitations and street games designed to extract money from unsuspecting tourists to counterfeit goods or inflated prices for services. Be wary of unsolicited offers, use reputable establishments, and be cautious when dealing with strangers.
  5. Taxi Gauging: Taxi gauging, also known as taxi overcharging or meter tampering, can be an issue in some parts of Greece, including Athens. While the majority of taxi drivers in Greece are honest and reliable, a few may engage in dishonest practices to overcharge unsuspecting passengers.
  6. The ‘You Dropped Something’ Scam: This scam is not just common in Athens but in most touristy destinations, where someone will pretend to drop something, and if you pick it up for them – they will steal your wallet or electronics from you as you give back whatever they dropped.
  7. The Bracelet or Rose Scam: The bracelet or rose scam usually involves a person approaching a tourist, often in popular tourist areas or near landmarks, offering them a rose as a friendly gesture or claiming it’s a local tradition. The person may appear friendly, persuasive, or insistent.

Is Athens Safe for Solo Travelers

I traveled to not only Athens but Kalamata Greece solo and it was one of the best solo vacations I enjoyed.

While it’s important to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings as you would in any major city, Athens offers a rich cultural experience and a welcoming atmosphere for solo travelers.

Here are some factors to consider when traveling to Greece Solo:

  1. Safety in Tourist Areas: Popular tourist areas in Athens, such as the Acropolis, Plaka, and Monastiraki, are generally safe and well-patrolled by police. These areas are often crowded with tourists, which can contribute to a sense of security. However, be mindful of pickpocketing or petty theft, especially in busy locations.
  2. Public Transportation: Athens has an efficient and accessible public transportation system, including the metro, buses, and trams. These options are generally safe for solo travelers, but it’s advisable to remain vigilant, particularly during crowded times or when traveling late at night. Stick to well-lit and populated areas when using public transportation.
  3. Solo Female Travelers: Athens is generally considered safe for solo female travelers. I practiced the same precautions as I would in any other major city, such as avoiding isolated areas at night, dressing modestly when visiting religious sites, and trusting my instincts when interacting with strangers. If you’re uncomfortable walking alone at night, consider using taxis or ride-hailing services.
  4. Hotel Selection: Choose accommodation in safe and well-populated areas of Athens, preferably close to public transportation. Research reviews and ratings of hotels or guesthouses from other solo travelers to ensure a comfortable and secure stay.
  5. Join Group Tours or Activities: Participating in group tours, walking tours, or organized activities can enhance your experience in Athens while providing a sense of safety and companionship. It also allows you to explore the city’s highlights with knowledgeable guides.
  6. Local Recommendations: Seek advice from hotel staff regarding safe areas, recommended transportation options, and any specific safety considerations during your stay. They can provide valuable insights and help you navigate Athens a little more confidently.

Is Athens Safe for Travel? Athens Travel & Safety Guide (May 2023) (4)

Avoid Getting Scammed at Restaurants

To avoid getting scammed at restaurants in Athens or any other destination, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Research and Choose Reputable Restaurants: Before dining out, do some research to find well-reviewed and reputable restaurants. Read online reviews, check popular travel websites, or ask locals for recommendations. Choosing established and highly regarded establishments reduces the risk of encountering scams.
  2. Menu and Pricing Awareness: Take a moment to review the menu and prices before ordering. Be cautious if the prices seem unusually high or if there are no prices listed at all. Ask questions about any unclear charges or fees to ensure transparency.
  3. Be Wary of Tourist Traps: Avoid restaurants located in heavily touristy areas that specifically target visitors. These places might use aggressive tactics or employ scams to lure customers. Explore more local neighborhoods for authentic dining experiences.
  4. Check for Hidden Charges: Be aware of additional charges that may not be clearly mentioned on the menu, such as cover charges, service fees, or bread charges. If unsure, ask the staff about any potential extra costs before ordering.

Pre-trip Preparation and Research

When planning a trip to Athens, Greece, it’s essential to do your research and prepare accordingly to ensure your safety throughout your stay. One of the most critical factors to consider is the current state of safety in Greece.

While Greece is generally considered a safe country to visit, it’s essential to stay vigilant and take precautions to prevent becoming a victim of crime.

Start your pre-trip preparation by researching crime rates in Athens, as well as any current safety concerns or warnings from the government or travel advisories.

A quick online search will provide you with an overview of Athens’ safety, and you can also consult with a travel agent or other reliable sources to obtain updated information.

Some helpful resources include the U.S. Department of State’s Travel Advisory page and the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) website.

It’s also a good idea to read reviews and recommendations from other travelers who have recently visited Athens. This information can give you valuable insights into the city’s safety, as well as provide useful tips for staying safe during your trip.

By conducting thorough pre-trip preparation and research, you’ll have a better understanding of what to expect and be better equipped to make informed decisions regarding your safety while in Athens.

Remember, the most important step towards ensuring a safe trip is to always be aware of your surroundings, stay alert, and take precautions.

Areas to avoid in Athens

When it comes to travel safety in Athens, it’s essential to know which areas to avoid to minimize the risk of becoming a victim of crime.

Although Athens is a generally safe city, it’s always better to err on the side of caution.

The areas to avoid in Athens are primarily the areas known for their high crime rates. These areas include Omonia, Exarchia, and Metaxourgio.

Although these neighborhoods are popular among tourists, it’s crucial to stay vigilant and avoid walking alone at night.

Pickpocketing and theft are common in these areas, so make sure you keep an eye on your belongings at all times.

Apart from these neighborhoods, certain parts of Athens have a higher risk of crime, such as Victoria Square, Aghios Panteleimonas, and Kypseli.

These areas are known for their high rate of theft, so avoid carrying valuable items when visiting these neighborhoods.

Although these areas have a higher risk of crime, it’s important to remember that Athens, overall, is a safe city for travelers. Just be mindful of your surroundings, and you’ll have a great time exploring this beautiful city.

Here are some areas that have been reported to have higher crime rates or safety concerns:

    1. Omonia Square: Omonia Square, located in the city center, has seen some instances of drug-related activity and can attract a rougher crowd, particularly at night. Exercise caution and avoid isolated areas around Omonia Square, especially late in the evening.
    2. Exarchia: Exarchia is known for its alternative culture and often hosts demonstrations or protests. While it can be interesting to explore during the day, it is advised to avoid this area at night, as it has a reputation for occasional clashes with the police.
    3. Certain Metro Stations: Some metro stations, such as Larissa Station and Victoria Station, have reported higher incidents of pickpocketing and theft. While using public transportation is generally safe, it’s advisable to remain vigilant and secure your belongings, especially at these stations.
    4. Pedion tou Areos Park: Pedion tou Areos Park, located near Victoria Station, has been known to have some safety concerns, particularly after dark. It’s advisable to avoid the park at night and be cautious during the day, especially if it appears deserted.
    5. Dimotiki Agora (Central Market): The Central Market can be a bustling and vibrant place during the day, offering fresh produce, meats, and seafood. However, be cautious of pickpocketing and keep an eye on your belongings, as crowded markets can attract opportunistic thieves.

Safest Areas in Athens

Here are some neighborhoods generally considered safe for tourists:

  1. Plaka Area: Plaka is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Athens, known for its charming narrow streets, neoclassical houses, and historical sites. It is a popular area for tourists, with many cafes, restaurants, and shops. During the day and early evening, Plaka is generally safe and well-patrolled.
  2. Syntagma Square: Located in the heart of Athens, Syntagma Square is a bustling area surrounded by shops, hotels, and government buildings. It is a transportation hub and home to the Greek Parliament. The square and its immediate surroundings are typically safe, especially during the day and early evening when it is well-lit and crowded.
  3. Kolonaki: Kolonaki is an upscale neighborhood known for its high-end shops, boutiques, and cafes. It is considered safe, and its central location offers easy access to many attractions. The streets are well-maintained, and there is a strong police presence.
  4. Monastiraki: Monastiraki is a vibrant neighborhood near the Acropolis, known for its bustling flea market and lively atmosphere. During the day, it is safe for tourists, and there are plenty of shops, restaurants, and cafes to explore. However, be cautious of pickpocketing in crowded areas.
  5. Kifisia: Kifisia is an affluent suburb located approximately 12 kilometers north of Athens city center. It is known for its upscale shops, beautiful houses, and green spaces. Kifisia is considered a safe area with a low crime rate. It is well-suited for those seeking a quieter and more relaxed environment.

How to Stay Safe while in Athens

Athens is a beautiful and culturally rich city that attracts millions of tourists every year. However, like any major city, there are certain safety concerns that visitors should be aware of.

If you’re wondering “Is Greece safe?” the answer is yes, but it’s important to take precautions to stay safe while in Athens.

One of the best ways to stay safe while in Athens is to be aware of your surroundings at all times.

This means keeping an eye on your belongings, especially in crowded areas like tourist attractions and markets.

Thieves and pickpockets tend to target tourists, so make sure your bags are securely zipped up and don’t carry around large amounts of cash or valuables.

It’s also important to stay aware of your surroundings, especially at night. While Athens is generally a safe city, there are some areas that can be unsafe after dark.

Stick to well-lit and busy areas and avoid poorly-lit streets or alleys.

Another important aspect of staying safe while in Athens is being aware of local customs and laws. Make sure to dress appropriately when visiting religious sites and be respectful of local customs and traditions.

When it comes to transportation, use licensed taxis and avoid unlicensed cabs or hitchhiking. Be careful when crossing the street, as Greek drivers tend to be more aggressive than you might be used to. And always wear your seatbelt when in a car.

Lastly, do your research before you go. Make sure to read up on any safety concerns specific to Athens and be aware of any current events or protests that may be taking place.

This will help you be better prepared and more aware of any potential safety concerns while in the city.

Overall, Athens is a safe city for travelers, as long as you take the necessary precautions. Keep an eye on your belongings, stay aware of your surroundings, be respectful of local customs, and do your research beforehand.

By doing so, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip to this incredible city.

Is Athens Safe for Travel? Athens Travel & Safety Guide (May 2023) (5)

What to do if you become a victim of crime in Athens

While Athens is generally a safe place to visit, crime can happen anywhere and it’s important to be prepared. If you find yourself the victim of a crime in Athens, here are some steps to take:

1. Stay calm and seek help immediately – contact the police or emergency services by calling 112. They have operators who speak English and can guide you through the process.
2. Report the incident – file a police report as soon as possible, even if it’s just to get an official record of what happened. This can be useful if you need to make a claim on your travel insurance.
3. Contact your embassy or consulate – they can provide you with support and advice if you’re the victim of a crime.
4. Keep documentation – keep all relevant documents, such as police reports and receipts, in case you need them later on.
5. Get medical attention – if you have been injured, seek medical attention right away. Many hospitals in Athens have English-speaking staff.
6. Be vigilant – remember that while Athens is generally a safe city, crime can happen anywhere. Be aware of your surroundings, and don’t hesitate to contact authorities if you feel unsafe.

Transportation Safety in Athens

When it comes to transportation safety in Athens, the good news is that it is generally safe.

However, as with any big city, there are certain precautions that you should take to ensure your safety while getting around. Here are some things to keep in mind:

First of all, if you’re using public transportation, make sure you keep an eye on your belongings at all times.

Pickpocketing can be a problem on buses and trains, so it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and keep your wallet and phone in a secure place.

Taxis are a common way to get around Athens, but you should be cautious when hailing a cab on the street.

Only use licensed taxis with meters, and make sure you agree on a price before getting in. You can also use ride-sharing services like Uber and Bolt, which are generally considered safe in Athens.

If you’re planning on renting a car, be aware that driving in Athens can be challenging due to heavy traffic and narrow streets. Make sure you have a valid driver’s license and insurance, and consider hiring a driver if you’re not confident in your ability to navigate the city on your own.

Finally, if you’re traveling alone at night, consider taking a taxi or using a ride-sharing service rather than walking or using public transportation.

While Athens is generally safe, it’s always better to err on the side of caution.

Overall, transportation safety in Athens is not a major concern, but it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions.

With a little bit of planning and common sense, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip to this beautiful city. So, the answer to the question “Is Athens Greece Safe for travel?” is yes, but it’s always better to be prepared.

Hotel Safety in Athens

When traveling to Athens, it is important to consider the safety of your hotel and you know I love luxury accommodations because you feel comfortable and secure during your stay.

Here are some tips to help you choose the safest luxury hotel in Athens:

1. Read reviews: Check online reviews of the hotel or hostel you plan to stay in before booking. Look for reviews that mention safety and security.
2. Location: Consider the location of your accommodation. Stay in a well-lit area that is close to public transportation and popular tourist spots. Avoid staying in isolated areas or back alleys.
3. Check for security features: Check if the accommodation has security features like CCTV cameras, security guards, or secure locks on doors and windows. This will give you peace of mind during your stay.
4. Ask for a safe: Ask if the accommodation provides a safe in the room or at reception where you can store valuable items like your passport, cash, and electronics.
5. Don’t share personal information: Avoid sharing your personal information with strangers at the accommodation. Don’t reveal your room number or any other personal information to people you don’t know.

Some of the best luxury hotels in Athens include the Hotel Grande Bretagne, the King George Hotel, and the Four Seasons Astir Palace Hotel Athens.

These hotels provide excellent security measures and are located in safe areas of the city.

Overall, taking precautions and doing your research before booking a hotel can help ensure a safe and enjoyable stay in Athens.

Best Luxury Hotels in Athens

If you’re planning to stay in Athens, you might be wondering which luxury hotels offer the best services and facilities.

Athens offers a range of top-tier hotels for travelers who value luxury and comfort. Here are some of the best luxury hotels in Athens to consider for your next trip:

1. Hotel Grande Bretagne:

This iconic hotel is one of Athens’ most prestigious properties, boasting elegant decor, a rooftop pool, and exceptional dining options. Guests can also enjoy the hotel’s spa, fitness center, and 24-hour butler service.

Book now if Hotel Grande Bretagne is right for you.

2. King George:

Located next to the Acropolis and the Parliament Building, this five-star hotel is the epitome of sophistication. With lavish furnishings, a rooftop restaurant and bar, and an extensive wine list, King George is a top choice for discerning travelers.

Book now if King George is right for you.

3. Four Seasons Astir Palace Hotel Athens:

This stunning property boasts three private beaches, an Olympic-sized pool, and an exclusive spa. With chic rooms, superb dining options, and unparalleled service, the Four Seasons Astir Palace is one of the best luxury hotels in Athens.

Book now if Four Seasons Astir is right for you.

4. Grand Hyatt Athens:

This recently-opened hotel is located in the heart of Athens and offers contemporary accommodations with breathtaking city views. The hotel also features a rooftop restaurant, a spa, and an outdoor pool.

Book now if Grand Hyatt Athens is right for you.

5. St. George Lycabettus:

Nestled in the fashionable Kolonaki neighborhood, this boutique hotel is renowned for its panoramic views of Athens and its personalized service.

With an on-site restaurant, a fitness center, and luxurious guest rooms, St. George Lycabettus is an excellent choice for travelers seeking a more intimate atmosphere.

Book now if St. George Lycabettus is right for you.

No matter which luxury hotel you choose in Athens, you can rest assured that you’ll be pampered with exceptional service and luxurious amenities. Be sure to book your stay in advance, as these hotels tend to fill up quickly during the peak travel season.

Closest Greek Islands to Athens

Here is a list of some of the closest Greek islands to mainland Greece, along with approximate travel times, ferry companies, and prices.

Please note that ferry schedules and prices may vary, so it’s always a good idea to check with the ferry companies or travel agencies for the most up-to-date information.

Also, you can purchase tickets via Viator which is my go to site for finding activities to do when I travel.

  1. Aegina:
    • Travel Time: Approximately 1 hour (from Piraeus)
    • Ferry Companies: Hellenic Seaways, Blue Star Ferries
    • Price Range: 10-20 EUR (one-way ticket)
  2. Poros:
    • Travel Time: Approximately 1.5 hours (from Piraeus)
    • Ferry Companies: Hellenic Seaways, Saronic Ferries
    • Price Range: 10-20 EUR (one-way ticket)
  3. Hydra:
    • Travel Time: Approximately 1.5-2 hours (from Piraeus)
    • Ferry Companies: Hellenic Seaways, Hydraiki, Blue Star Ferries
    • Price Range: 15-25 EUR (one-way ticket)
  4. Spetses:
    • Travel Time: Approximately 2.5-3 hours (from Piraeus)
    • Ferry Companies: Hellenic Seaways, Spetses Ferries
    • Price Range: 20-30 EUR (one-way ticket)
  5. Salamina:
    • Travel Time: Approximately 20-30 minutes (from Perama or Piraeus)
    • Ferry Companies: Salamis Lines
    • Price Range: 5-10 EUR (one-way ticket)
  6. Kea (also known as Tzia):
    • Travel Time: Approximately 1-1.5 hours (from Lavrio)
    • Ferry Companies: Blue Star Ferries
    • Price Range: 15-25 EUR (one-way ticket)
  7. Kythnos:
    • Travel Time: Approximately 1.5-2 hours (from Lavrio)
    • Ferry Companies: Blue Star Ferries
    • Price Range: 15-25 EUR (one-way ticket)

Please keep in mind that the prices mentioned are approximate and can vary depending on the season, type of ferry, and ticket class.

It’s advisable to check the official websites or contact the ferry companies for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding schedules and prices.

Useful Resources to Help You Explore Athens

  • Expedia: the best website for finding cheap flight deals and hotels to and from Athens.
  • my favorite hotel booking website, as it consistently has the best selection and prices.
  • another excellent hotel booking website for finding fabulous Athens accommodation.
  • Tripadvisor: this famous review website now allows you to book accommodation and tours direct as well.
  • Get Your Guide: my favorite resource for finding tours and activities in Athens and elsewhere.
  • Viator: another great option for finding fun things to do, skip-the-line tickets, and fabulous tours in Athens.

Is Athens Safe for Travel? Athens Travel & Safety Guide (May 2023) (6)

Conclusion: Is Athens Safe

Is Athens safe for American tourists in 2023? Yes! Yes! Yes! Athens is a very safe city.

Athens is one of the most charming and historical cities in Greece and it has become one of my favorite cities. From the shopping, cuisine, and historical sites, you will always find something to do.

Is Athens really safe? I have traveled to Athens both solo and with my best friend. Both Athens and Kalamata are some of the cities I’ve visited and felt completely safe.

I walked around Athens by myself without hesitation and when I traveled there with my bestie we walked around and nothing happened to either of us while we were there.

It doesn’t matter if you are traveling solo, on a girl’s trip, or with your family – Athens is completely safe.

Ready to plan your trip, grab myFREE Vacation Planner to help you plan your trip in the time it takes to watch your favorite TV show.

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