Realidades 2 workbook Pages 251-300 - Flip PDF Download (2024)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.56 Video Activities Capítulo 3BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesAntes de ver el videoActividad 1How do you get to your Spanish classroom from the cafeteria? Write the directions on the linesbelow.¿Comprendes?Actividad 2Who made each comment or asked each question below? Write the name of the correspondingcharacter from the video in the space provided.1. Vamos a tomar el metro. _____________________2. Mira, aquí hay un banco… ¿Tienes prisa? _____________________Hace mucho tiempo que no voy por allí. Pero te va a gustar. 3. _____________________ 4. ¿Estás seguro que sabes cómo llegar? _____________________VIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH3B 5/25/04 5:33 PM Page 56 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Video Activities Capítulo 3B 57Nombre HoraFechaRealidades5. Espera… Esto es complicado. _____________________Claro, claro. Me estás poniendo nervioso. Yo sé por dónde vamos.6. _____________________7. Ya son las dos y cuarto. ¿Dónde estarán…? _____________________8. ¡Basta! Vamos a preguntar a alguien. _____________________9. Oye, ¿podemos caminar un poco más despacio? ____________________10. Mira. Allí está el bazar. _____________________VIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH3B 5/25/04 5:33 PM Page 57 (Black plate)

Actividad 3Manolo and Ramón want to meet up with Teresa and Claudia. Answer the questions below about the events that take place along the way.1. ¿Cómo van Manolo y Ramón al Bazar San Ángel? ¿Y cómo llegan Claudia y Teresa allí?2. ¿Quién llega al bazar primero? ¿Qué hacen allí?3. ¿A cuántas personas pregunta Ramón sobre cómo se va al Bazar San Ángel?Y, ¿qué más?Actividad 4You want to tell your friend how to get to the local YMCA, since she wants to play basketball.Use the following expressions to write directions.doblas a (la derecha / la izquierda)sigues (la avenida nombre / la calle nombre)hasta (el primero / el segundo / el próximo) semáforosigues derecho por (esa avenida / esa calle) aproximadamente (dos / tres / cinco) millassigues esa avenida por (seis / siete / ocho) cuadras, hasta que veas el gimnasio__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Estaciona el coche, y ¡a jugar al básquetbol!© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.58 Video Activities Capítulo 3BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesVIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH3B 5/25/04 5:33 PM Page 58 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 3B 59Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 5Listen as people in a hotel call the front desk for help. As you listen to each conversation,match each caller to the spot on the map below by writing the number of the conversationin the corresponding circle. You will hear each conversation twice.AUDIO4153269682_TCW_W_CH3B 5/26/04 6:08 PM Page 59 (Black plate)

Actividad 6Parents always seem to worry about their children as soon as they step out the door! As youlisten to the parent’s last piece of advice as each young person leaves, determine whetherthe young person is walking, riding a bicycle, or driving a car to his or her destination. Usethe grid below to mark your answers. You will hear each piece of advice twice.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.60 Audio Activities Capítulo 3BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesAUDIOActividad 7Pilar is very ambitious today, but she can’t get to where she wants to go without a littleassistance. Follow her route by listening to the conversations she has with various people.Under each picture, write the name of the person who takes her there, or a pie if she goeson foot. Then, number the places in the order in which she visits them. You will hear eachconversation twice.1 2 3 4 5 6 7_____________ /_____ _____________ /_____ _____________ /__________________ /_____ _____________ /_____ _____________ /_____69682_TCW_W_CH3B 5/26/04 6:08 PM Page 60 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 3B 61Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 8Listen as an elementary school teacher gives instructions to several of her students during afield trip to a local park. Match each command to a picture of one of the children. In theblanks below, write in the letter of the corresponding picture. You will hear each set ofinstructions twice.AUDIO1. _______ 3. _______ 5. _______ 7. _______ 9. _______2. _______ 4. _______ 6. _______ 8. _______ 10. _______A. B. C. D.E. F. G. H.I. J.69682_TCW_W_CH3B 5/26/04 6:08 PM Page 61 (Black plate)

Actividad 9The teacher in charge of after-school detention is going to be absent for a few days. Listenas she describes the students to the substitute teacher. Write the name of each student in theblank under the corresponding picture. You will hear each description twice.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.62 Audio Activities Capítulo 3BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesAUDIOEnrique Carlos Ryan DianaAna Carmen Miguel Juan69682_TCW_W_CH3B 5/26/04 6:09 PM Page 62 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 3B 63Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 10You are giving directions to some friends about how to get to your cousin’s house for asurprise party. Using the map below, tell them what landmarks they will pass on the wayfrom each of their houses to the party.WRITING1. Guillermo Para llegar a la fiesta, vas a pasar por…2. Julieta Para llegar a la fiesta, vas a pasar por…3. Marcos Para llegar a la fiesta, vas a pasar por…69682_TCW_W_CH3B 5/27/04 6:22 PM Page 63 (Black plate)

Actividad 11Your friends rely on you for help with various things. Write out your responses to thequestions your friends ask you. You may answer in the affirmative or negative. Follow themodel.— ¿Quieres hablar conmigo sobre la fiesta?— No, te hablé anoche .1. — ¿En dónde vas a esperar a María y a Elena?—__________________________________________________________________________________.2. — ¿Vas a buscarme enfrente de la escuela? —__________________________________________________________________________________.3. — ¿Necesito llamar a Alejandro para saber dónde es la fiesta?—__________________________________________________________________________________.4. — ¿Alejandro nos invitó a ti y a mí a la fiesta?—__________________________________________________________________________________.5. — ¿Tengo que traer algo a la fiesta para ti?—____________________________________________________________________________________6. — ¿Necesitas ayuda con algo?—____________________________________________________________________________________7. — ¿Vienen tus tíos a la fiesta contigo?—__________________________________________________________________________________.8. — ¿Hablaste con ellos anoche?—__________________________________________________________________________________.9. — ¿Quieres ver a alguien en la fiesta?—__________________________________________________________________________________.10. — ¿Conoces a la familia Rodríguez?—__________________________________________________________________________________.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.64 Writing Activities Capítulo 3BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesWRITINGModelo69682_TCW_W_CH3B 5/27/04 6:22 PM Page 64 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 3B 65Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 12As part of the interview process to become a camp counselor, you are asked to describe to thehead counselor what you would tell kids to do in certain situations. Look at each drawing andwrite two affirmative tú commands for each, based on the hints provided. Include at least oneof the following verbs each time: poner, tener, decir, salir, venir, descansar, jugar, quedarse,hacer, ir, and ser. una serpiente (snake)acaba de comerno quiere participarestá enfermatiene fríono quiere hacer sus quehaceres69682_TCW_W_CH3B 5/27/04 6:22 PM Page 65 (Black plate)

Actividad 13You are keeping a journal of things that happen throughout the day. Look at each picture,and write a complete sentence to tell what time it is and what the people are doing at themoment. Follow the model.PabloSon las dos y diez y Pablo está pidiéndole ayuda a la profesora .1. Mónica____________________________________________________________________________________ .2. Jorge____________________________________________________________________________________ .3. Yo____________________________________________________________________________________ .4. Nosotros____________________________________________________________________________________ .5. Tú____________________________________________________________________________________ .6. La señora Vargas____________________________________________________________________________________ .© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.66 Writing Activities Capítulo 3BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesWRITINGModeloSigue, dobla,...69682_TCW_W_CH3B 5/27/04 6:22 PM Page 66 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.RealidadesAntes de ver el videoActividad 1What were you like when you were younger? Think of several words that describe you. Then,use them in sentences about yourself. One has been done for you.Palabras descriptivas Oración sobre mígeneroso(a) Era muy generoso(a) con mis hermanos pequeños.EraEraEraVideo Activities Capítulo 4A 67¿Comprendes?Actividad 2Do you remember the conversations from the video about Ana as a little girl? Fill in theblanks below with the words that describe Ana in each of the scenes shown.¿Cómo era Ana de niña? 1. Era muy _____________________.¿Qué dice Ignacio de Ana?2. Ignacio dice que era _____________________.Según su mamá, ¿Ana era ____________________ de niña?No, por lo general era muy ____________________ y muy bien 3. _____________________.¿Ana era siempre bien educada de niña?4. No, a veces era un poquito _____________________.Nombre HoraFecha VIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH4A 5/26/04 6:11 PM Page 67 (Black plate)

Actividad 3All of the following sentences contain incorrect information. Rewrite each sentence to matchwhat you learned in the video.Ana, Elena e Ignacio trabajan en un proyecto para la clase de1. matemáticas.2. De niña, Ana no tenía un juguete favorito.3. Ana solamente tenía un animal de peluche, su oso.4. De niña, Ana siempre se levantaba tarde.Elena cree que Ignacio siempre obedecía a sus padres y que 5. siempre decía la verdad.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.68 Video Activities Capítulo 4ANombre HoraFechaRealidadesVIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH4A 5/25/04 5:58 PM Page 68 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Video Activities Capítulo 4A 69Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesY, ¿qué más?Actividad 4Draw a family tree of your immediate family. Next to each person, write a word to describehim or her. Then, write three sentences about your favorite relatives. VIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH4A 5/25/04 5:58 PM Page 69 (Black plate)

Actividad 5Do you remember your favorite childhood toy? Listen as each of the following peopledescribes a favorite childhood toy. In the grid below, write what each person’s favorite toywas and who gave the toy to him or her. You will hear each set of statements twice.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.70 Audio Activities Capítulo 4ANombre HoraFechaRealidadesAUDIORogelioMartaAndrésLorenaHumbertoActividad 6Ricardo, Susana, Marcos, and Julia haven’t seen their preschool teacher, Srta. Rosi, since theywere four years old. Now that they are teenagers, Srta. Rosi can’t believe how they’ve grown.Listen as Srta. Rosi reminisces about their childhood, and write the name of each child underthe corresponding picture. You will hear each statement twice.JuguetePersona que le dioel jugueteSusanaJulia69682_TCW_W_CH4A 5/26/04 6:11 PM Page 70 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 4A 71Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 7Listen as Patricia listens to her favorite popular radio show “Yo no lo sabía” to find out thingsthat she didn’t know about some of her favorite movie and TV personalities. Match what youhear the DJ say about her favorite celebrities to the pictures below. Write the number of eachpiece of gossip underneath the picture it refers to. You will hear each piece of gossip twice.AUDIO3 5 81 7 26 469682_TCW_W_CH4A 5/26/04 6:11 PM Page 71 (Black plate)

Actividad 8Listen as adults recall their childhood and how they used to role-play having different kindsof jobs when they grew up. Write the number of each description under the picture of thecorresponding profession each person imagined as a child. You will hear each descriptiontwice.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.72 Audio Activities Capítulo 4ANombre HoraFechaRealidadesAUDIO5 2 14 6 369682_TCW_W_CH4A 5/26/04 6:11 PM Page 72 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 4A 73Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 9There are no gift tags on the Christmas gifts that the Rodríguez family received from theirfriend Gonzalo. Sr. Rodríguez has to call him on the phone to find out which gift goes towhom. Complete the sentences below to describe what Gonzalo gave to each person. Forexample, you might write, “Gonzalo le dio unos aretes a la abuela.” You will hear thisconversation twice.AUDIO1. Gonzalo ______ dio unos boletos de avión a ________________________.2. Gonzalo ______ dio su colección de tarjetas de béisbol a ________________________.3. Gonzalo ______ dio dinero en efectivo a ________________________.4. Gonzalo ______ dio unos zapatos de golf a ________________________.5. Gonzalo ______ dio una colección de monedas al ________________________.69682_TCW_W_CH4A 5/26/04 6:11 PM Page 73 (Black plate)

Actividad 10Look at the scenes of children playing at a day care center. Then, write a sentence to tellwhat each child is doing.1. Mario _____________________________________________________________________________.2. Estela ______________________________________________________________________________.3. Javier y Julia _______________________________________________________________________4. Ricardo ____________________________________________________________________________.5. Sandra y Beto _____________________________________________________________________.6. Susana _____________________________________________________________________________.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.74 Writing Activities Capítulo 4ANombre HoraFechaRealidadesWRITING69682_TCW_W_CH4A 5/27/04 6:26 PM Page 74 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 4A 75Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 11You are at your best friend’s family reunion, and all of the relatives are reminiscing about theirchildhood. Look at the pictures and tell what everyone did as children. Follow the model.¿Qué hacía el abuelito?El abuelito pescaba con su padre .1. ¿Qué hacía la tía Ramona? 2. ¿Qué hacía el padre? 3. ¿Qué hacían tú y tu abuela? 4. ¿Qué hacían los tíos? 5. ¿Qué hacía la abuela? 6. ¿Y tú? ¿Qué hacías de niño? WRITINGModelo......La tía Ramona montaba en bicicletaEl padre jugaba al básquetbolEscribíamos muchas cartas69682_TCW_W_CH4A 5/27/04 6:26 PM Page 75 (Black plate)

Actividad 12Read the sentences that tell what the people below used to do when they were your age.Then, answer the questions that follow in complete sentences. Follow the model.Cuando Juliana y María tenían 14 años, ellas contaban muchos chistes (jokes).Se reían mucho y les gustaba ver las comedias en el cine.¿Cómo eran las chicas? Ellas eran cómicas .¿Adónde iban para ver las comedias? Iban al cine .1. Cuando Marta tenía 16 años, ella trabajaba mucho. Estudiaba y leía. También legustaba ver programas educativos en la tele todos los días.¿Cómo era Marta? _________________________________________________________________ .¿Qué veía todos los días? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .2. Cuando Óscar y Humberto tenían 14 años, practicaban muchos deportes. En elinvierno practicaban el hockey en la calle y en la primavera jugaban al básquetbolen el gimnasio. ¿Cómo eran los chicos? ____________________________________________________________ .¿Adónde iban para practicar sus deportes? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .3. Cuando nosotros teníamos 15 años, nos gustaba pintar y dibujar. También nosencantaba mirar obras de arte de artistas famosos como Dalí y Picasso en el museo.¿Cómo éramos? ___________________________________________________________________ .¿Adónde íbamos y qué veíamos allí? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .4. ¿Y tú? ¿Qué hacías cuando eras niño(a)? ¿Cómo eras? ¿Adónde ibas? ¿Qué veías allí?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ . © Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.76 Writing Activities Capítulo 4ANombre HoraFechaRealidadesWRITINGModelo69682_TCW_W_CH4A 5/27/04 6:26 PM Page 76 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 4A 77Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 13A. Look at each drawing of people giving gifts to each other. Write a complete sentence todescribe what people gave each other. Follow the model.Los abuelos / AntonioLos abuelos le dieron osos de peluche a Antonio.La Srta. Rodrigo / Beatriz y Tomás1.Los padres / Marianela2.Sebastián y Sergio / Diana y Carmen3.Elena / Eduardo4.B. Now, tell what presents you and your family members give each other on holidays. Usethe present tense and remember to use the appropriate indirect object pronouns.WRITINGModelo69682_TCW_W_CH4A 5/27/04 6:27 PM Page 77 (Black plate)

Antes de ver el videoActividad 1Do you have a favorite holiday or celebration? What is it? Why? Name three special thingsabout it. Follow the model. Mi día favorito es el Día de los tres Reyes Magos.Los Reyes Magos nos traen muchos regalos. Comemos cosas ricas esedía. La familia se reúne a celebrar.Mi día favorito es _________________________________________________________________________¿Comprendes?Actividad 2In a letter, Javier explains his plans for the weekend to a friend, but he has left out certaindetails. Help him by writing the missing words in the blanks. Use the pictures to help you.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.78 Video Activities Capítulo 4BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesVIDEOModelo27 de junioEstimado Salvador,Este fin de semana me voy con mi amigo Ignacio al pueblo de su madre, _______________________ . Ignacio me dice que siempre llueve y necesitamos llevar un paraguas. Durante el fin de semana, ellos celebran la _________________________ .De niño, él siempre pasaba los veranos allá. Todos los años, la fiesta comienza con un___________________ . Hay bailes y músicos, y ellos tocan instrumentos ___________________69682_TCW_W_CH4B 5/25/04 6:12 PM Page 78 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Video Activities Capítulo 4B 79Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesy ___________________ . Algunos de los instrumentos son el txistu y el tamboril. El txistu es una palabra vasca para una ___________________ . Ignacio sabe tocar el txistu,pero no sabe hablar ___________________ , como sus ___________________ . Luego todos sereúnen en la iglesia, donde celebran una misa en español y en vasco. Esto es una___________________. Bueno, Salvador, te cuento más al regresar.Tu amigo, JavierActividad 3Match each word or phrase on the left with its corresponding sentence on the right.VIDEO1. _______ la fiesta de San Pedro 2. _______ txistu 3. _______ txistorra 4. _______ ropa típica 5. _______ una boina 6. _______ vasco 7. _______ desfile 8. _______ antiguos 9. _______ paraguas a. En la maleta pongo una camisa blanca,un pañuelo rojo y una boina roja.b. Comienza en la mañana, cuando todosnos reunimos en esta marcha ordenada,generalmente para celebrar la fiesta.c. Mi abuelo me enseñó a tocar esteinstrumento cuando yo era pequeño.d. Este idioma lo hablan los abuelos deIgnacio.e. Me llevo esto para la lluvia porquesiempre llueve, pero no importa.f. Los músicos tocan instrumentos típicosy muy viejos, o ______________ .g. Javier no tiene una gorra redonda, o untipo de sombrero típico.h. Tienen hambre, y quieren comer estetipo de salchicha.i. Esta fiesta siempre se celebra el 29 dejunio.69682_TCW_W_CH4B 5/25/04 6:12 PM Page 79 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.80 Video Activities Capítulo 4BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesVIDEOModeloY, ¿qué más?Actividad 4Your cousin invited you this past weekend to spend it with his/her family, for a specialcelebration. Where did you go and what did you do? In a simple paragraph, explain yourweekend. Use your imagination and follow the model. El fin de semana pasado fui a la casa de mi primo favorito, paracelebrar su cumpleaños. La fiesta fue en un centro comercial. Allíjugamos a los bolos. Luego comimos un pastel de chocolate y bebimosrefrescos. También cantamos y bailamos mucho. Finalmente, regresamosa su casa y dormí allá. Al día siguiente, mis padres volvieron por mí. 69682_TCW_W_CH4B 5/26/04 6:13 PM Page 80 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 4B 81Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 5Mrs. Lena is taking her third grade class to visit a group of senior citizens tomorrow. In orderto make sure that all the children behave well at the Senior Center, she uses puppets namedMarco el malo and Bruno el bueno to illustrate good and bad manners. Listen as shedescribes what each puppet does, and decide if the actions are most likely those of Marcoel malo or Bruno el bueno. Put an X in the appropriate box in the grid below. You will hearthis conversation twice.AUDIO1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Actividad 6Listen as four people talk about their favorite time to spend with their families. Write thenumber of the description under the corresponding picture. You will hear each descriptiontwice.X2 14 369682_TCW_W_CH4B 5/26/04 6:13 PM Page 81 (Black plate)

Actividad 7When José Ignacio’s mother returned from grocery shopping, she was shocked by some ofthe things her children and their friends were doing! Listen as she later tells José Ignacio’sfather what was going on when she got home. Based on what she says, fill in the grid belowto tell how they were behaving. You will hear each set of statements twice.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.82 Audio Activities Capítulo 4BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesAUDIOSe portaban bienSe portaban mal1 2 3 4 5 6Actividad 8Some best friends like to do everything together, while others prefer to spend some timeapart. Listen as some teenagers talk about whether they prefer to do certain things separatelyor together. Then, put an X in the appropriate box in the grid. You will hear each set ofstatements twice.Juntos (together)Solo1 2 3 4 5 6 769682_TCW_W_CH4B 5/26/04 6:13 PM Page 82 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 4B 83Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 9Listen as parents tell their children about their childhood memories of family celebrationsand traditions. As you listen, match each conversation to the pictures below by writing thenumber of the conversation under the appropriate picture. You will hear each conversationtwice.AUDIO3 1 24 569682_TCW_W_CH4B 5/26/04 6:13 PM Page 83 (Black plate)

Actividad 10Josephine is an exchange student in Spain and wants to make sure she acts appropriatelywhen greeting people. Help her by answering her questions about what people tend to doin the situations she describes. Follow the model.¿Qué hago para saludar a una persona que conozco bien? Uds. se besan o se abrazan para saludarse.1. ¿Qué hago cuando encuentro a una persona que no veo con frecuencia?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. ¿Qué digo cuando una persona se casa o se gradúa de la universidad?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. ¿Qué hago cuando conozco a una persona por primera vez?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. ¿Qué hago cuando salgo de un lugar o de la casa por la mañana?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. ¿Qué hago cuando no veo a una amiga por mucho tiempo y quiero verla?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. ¿Qué hago cuando paso a una persona a quien no conozco en la calle?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.84 Writing Activities Capítulo 4BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesWRITINGModelo69682_TCW_W_CH4B 5/27/04 6:28 PM Page 84 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 4B 85Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 11Your friends had a very eventful weekend. Look at the illustrations of what happened, andwrite a brief description of what the people in the scene were doing and what happened tointerrupt them. Follow the model.Hacía buen tiempo y Mónica estaba en el parque. Corríacuando empezó a llover.1.Pancho y Patricia: 2.Nosotras:3.Ellos:4.Yo:WRITINGModeloMónica:69682_TCW_W_CH4B 5/27/04 6:28 PM Page 85 (Black plate)

Actividad 12A. Lolis and Teresa are cousins who live quite far away from each other. Look at the picturesbelow and write complete sentences about what they do. Follow the model.Las primas se quieren mucho y se llevan muy bien.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.86 Writing Activities Capítulo 4BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesWRITINGB. Now, write about a cousin or other relative you like who lives far away. Follow the model.Modelo Mi prima Cristina y yo nos vemos una vez cada dos años.Modelo69682_TCW_W_CH4B 5/27/04 6:28 PM Page 86 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 4B 87Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 13Pablo’s family has just returned from a family reunion and he is writing in his diary about theday’s events. WRITINGA. First, look at the picture of the party and write several sentences to describe the scene. B. Next, tell what everyone at the party did when they were first reunited. C. Finally, help Pablo write his diary entry using the phrases that you wrote above and anyconnecting words you may need to make your paragraph smooth.Querido diario:Hoy fui a la reunión de mi familia en San Juan.69682_TCW_W_CH4B 5/27/04 6:28 PM Page 87 (Black plate)

88 Video Activities Capítulo 5ANombre HoraFechaRealidadesVIDEOAntes de ver el videoActividad 1In this video, you are going to see part of a television newscast. Fill out the survey belowabout the news program that you normally watch at home.Nombre del noticiero ____________________________________________________________________Canal ____________________________________________________________________________________Horario __________________________________________________________________________________¿Recuerdas el nombre de algún reportero (alguna reportera)? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________¿Te gusta más ver los deportes? ¿las noticias? ¿el pronóstico del tiempo (weather forecast)?¿Por qué te gusta esa sección más? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________¿Comprendes?Actividad 2Read the following parts of the plot. Then, put them in the order in which they occurred.Write 1 for the first thing that happened and 7 for the last thing that happened.________ Raúl y Tomás ven el noticiero en la tele.________ Raúl y Tomás hablan con la reportera.________ Comienza el incendio.________ Ocurre la explosión.________ El bombero habla con la reportera. ________ Un vecino ve el humo.________ Vienen los paramédicos.88 Video Activities Capítulo 5A© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.69682_TCW_W_CH5A 5/25/04 6:16 PM Page 88 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Video Activities Capítulo 5A 89Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 3In the video, Raúl and Tomás are watching TV when they hear the news about a fire. What happens afterwards? Answer the following questions in order to better understand the plot.1. ¿En dónde ocurre el incendio?2. ¿Quién es Laura Martínez? ¿Por qué está en el sitio del incendio?3. ¿Cómo comenzó el incendio?4. ¿Quién estaba en la casa cuando ocurrió el incendio?5. ¿Quiénes vinieron para ayudar a rescatarlos?6. ¿Por qué la reportera termina rápido la entrevista con Raúl y Tomás?VIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH5A 5/25/04 6:16 PM Page 89 (Black plate)

Y, ¿qué más?Actividad 4Imagine that you are a reporter for a television newscast and you have to report on somethingthat happened in your high school. Write a reporting script about a real or imaginary event atyour high school. Follow the model.Les habla Lucía Pacheco, del canal 8. Estamos en el colegio Spring,donde un grupo de estudiantes de noveno grado está lavando coches. El dinero que reciben es para pagar un viaje a San Antonio, organizadopor la profesora de historia, la Sra. Martínez. El viaje está planeadopara el próximo mes de marzo. Esto es todo por ahora. Lucía Pacheco,desde el colegio Spring, para el canal 8.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.90 Video Activities Capítulo 5ANombre HoraFechaRealidadesVIDEOModelo69682_TCW_W_CH5A 5/25/04 6:16 PM Page 90 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 5A 91Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 5Listen as these radio announcers break into regular programming to report emergencysituations that have occurred. Match each radio report with one of the pictures below toindicate what type of emergency or crisis situation each was. Then, try to answer the bonusquestion in the last column for each news report. You will hear each report twice.AUDIOBonus QuestionSegún sus vecinos, ¿quées el Sr. Morales?¿Qué fue(ron)destruido(s)?¿Qué necesita la gente?¿Cómo puede ir la gentede un lugar a otro?¿Quién es Gabriel?1234569682_TCW_W_CH5A 5/26/04 7:07 PM Page 91 (Black plate)

Actividad 6As Ernesto is driving home from work, he turns on the radio and starts to scan for his favoritetype of music. Each time he finds a station, a reporter is in the middle of the evening newsreport. As you listen, write the number of the excerpt under the corresponding picture. Youwill hear each report twice.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.92 Audio Activities Capítulo 5ANombre HoraFechaRealidadesAUDIOActividad 7A local jewelry store manager is holding a contest for young couples who purchase theirwedding rings in his store. If there is bad weather on their wedding day, the managerpromises to refund the couple the cost of their rings! Listen as each couple describes theirwedding day. Which couples would qualify for a refund? Mark your answers in the gridbelow. You will hear each description twice.QualifyDo not qualify1 2 3 4 5 61 2 43 6 569682_TCW_W_CH5A 5/26/04 6:15 PM Page 92 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 5A 93Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 8When it comes to the news, some people prefer to listen to the radio while others wouldrather read the newspaper. Listen to people talk about recent events. Determine whetherthey HEARD about it on the radio or if they READ about it in the newspaper. Place a checkmark in the appropriate row of the grid. You will hear each conversation twice.AUDIO1 2 3 4 5Actividad 9Your teacher has asked you to listen to the news on a Spanish-speaking radio station. First,read the questions below. Then, listen to a news report of a hurricane that occurredyesterday in a small town near San Juan. As you listen to the story, circle the correct answersbelow. Your teacher might ask you to write a summary of the news story based on youranswers. You will hear the report twice.1. ¿Quién es Carmen Dominó?a. Una reportera. b. Una bombera. c. Una heroína.2. ¿Qué es Felipe?a. Un noticiero. b. Un huracán. c. Un pueblo.3. ¿Qué hacían muchas personas cuando el huracán llegó?a. Escuchaban la radio. b. Leían. c. Dormían.4. ¿Qué pasó en Dorado a causa del huracán?a. Había mucha comida. b. Muchos vecinos perdieron sus casas.c. Había muchos muebles.5. ¿Quiénes fueron los héroes de Dorado?a. Los médicos. b. Los reporteros. c. Los bomberos.Weekly69682_TCW_W_CH5A 5/26/04 6:15 PM Page 93 (Black plate)

Actividad 10You just finished watching the evening news. Under each news category below, write a shortsummary of the stories of the day by looking at each picture and using appropriatevocabulary. The first one has been started for you.1. El tiempo2. La ciudad3. Una ocurrencia heroica© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.94 Writing Activities Capítulo 5ANombre HoraFechaRealidadesWRITINGHoy pasó un gran huracán por las islas de Venezuela.69682_TCW_W_CH5A 5/27/04 6:29 PM Page 94

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 5A 95Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 11 You are working as a reporter for the school newspaper and are trying to get the facts aboutseveral different stories. Read the headlines below and write the questions you need to ask inorder to round out your reports. Follow the model.EL EQUIPO DE BÁSQUETBOL GANÓ AYER¿Qué hora era cuando empezó el partido? ¿Quién y cómo era el otro equipo?¿Cómo se sentía el equipo de nuestra escuela cuando ganó?1. NUESTRA ESCUELA #2 EN EL CONCURSO DE MATEMÁTICAS2. EL PRINCIPAL DECLARÓ: ¡NO SE PERMITE LLEVAR PANTALONES CORTOS!3. ¡EL BAILE DE LA ESCUELA UN ÉXITO!4. JONES Y RULFO GANARON LAS ELECCIONES5. ¡INCENDIO EN LA CAFETERÍA!WRITINGModelo69682_TCW_W_CH5A 5/27/04 6:29 PM Page 95

Actividad 12 Your local television station’s news reporters are investigating two stories from last night andwant to talk to people who witnessed the events. Using the pictures provided, write what awitness would say to a reporter about each scene. Follow the model.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.96 Writing Activities Capítulo 5ANombre HoraFechaRealidadesWRITINGLa señora Alfonso oyó los perros ladrando (barking) .1. Enrique y Roberto _________________________________________________________________ .2. El incendio _________________________________________________________________________ .3. Tú _________________________________________________________________________________ .4. Ignacio _____________________________________________________________________________ .5. El ladrón (robber) __________________________________________________________________ .6. Marisol y yo _______________________________________________________________________ .7. Yo _________________________________________________________________________________Modelo69682_TCW_W_CH5A 5/27/04 6:29 PM Page 96

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 5A 97Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 13A. You want to write a mystery story about a crime that took place in a small town. In orderto start developing the plot, answer the questions below using your imagination. 1. ¿Qué hora era y dónde estabas? __________________________________2. ¿Qué era el ruido (noise) que oíste? __________________________________3. ¿Cómo era el hombre que viste? ¿Qué hizo? __________________________________4. ¿Qué tenía en su mochila? __________________________________5. ¿Qué hora era cuando empezó el incendio? __________________________________6. ¿A qué hora llegaron los bomberos? __________________________________7. ¿Qué hiciste después? __________________________________B. Now, organize your answers into a short description of the plot of your story. You maywish to add details or connecting words to make it flow well. Be creative! WRITING69682_TCW_W_CH5A 5/27/04 6:29 PM Page 97

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.98 Video Activities Capítulo 5BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesVIDEOAntes de ver el videoActividad 1 When do you need to stay in bed because you are sick, and when do you need to go to thehospital? Write three examples for each. The first ones have been done for you.¿Cuándo me quedo en cama? ¿Cuándo voy al hospital?Cuando tengo un dolor de cabeza muy fuerte Cuando me lastimo el brazo¿Comprendes?Actividad 2Identify the speaker of each of the following quotes from the video.1. “Si no hay un terremoto él no se despierta ...” _______________2. “¡Qué lástima! ... ¿Y Tomás?” _______________3. “¡Ay, Dios mío!” _______________4. “¿Qué pasó entonces?” _______________5. “¡Pobre Tomás!” _______________6. “¡El pobrecito soy yo!” _______________7. “¡No debes despertarte a las tres de la mañana!” _______________8. “¿Por qué no me dijeron nada?” _______________Actividad 3Look at each video scene and write one or two complete sentences to tell what is happening. _____________________________________________________________________1. _____________________________________________________________________69682_TCW_W_CH5B 5/25/04 6:21 PM Page 98 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Video Activities Capítulo 5B 99Nombre HoraFechaRealidades_____________________________________________________________________2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. _____________________________________________________________________Y, ¿qué más?Actividad 4Have you ever had a silly accident? What happened? Answer the questions about youraccident or the accident of someone you know.1. ¿Qué hacías cuando ocurrió el accidente?2. ¿Te lastimaste algo? 3. ¿Fuiste a la sala de emergencia? ¿Qué pasó?VIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH5B 5/25/04 6:21 PM Page 99 (Black plate)

Actividad 5Your friend Juan Luis just spent his first day as a volunteer in the local hospital’s emergencyroom. Listen as he tells his parents what happened. Write the number of the description inthe corresponding circle in the picture below. You will hear each description twice.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.100 Audio Activities Capítulo 5BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesAUDIO36 54269682_TCW_W_CH5B 5/26/04 6:17 PM Page 100 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 5B 101Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 6Listen as several teenagers talk about what happened when they were injured recently.Match what each describes to one of the pictures below. Write the corresponding letter inthe blanks below. You will hear each description twice.AUDIOA. B. C.1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________Actividad 7A popular telenovela added a new character to the cast of people who work at the fictitioushospital in the show. The character, Lola Loca, was added to give humor to the show. Manyof the things she does are illogical and silly. Just listen to the things she did last week on theshow! Fill in the grid below to show how you would categorize her actions. You will heareach statement twice.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8LógicoIlógicoD.E.69682_TCW_W_CH5B 5/26/04 6:17 PM Page 101 (Black plate)

Actividad 8A group of friends was recalling what each was doing when the police arrived at the sceneof an accident. Write the number of the statement in the corresponding circle in the picturebelow. You will hear each statement twice.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.102 Audio Activities Capítulo 5BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesAUDIOActividad 9As a counselor at a boy’s summer camp, Jorge is the person to whom the children report anyaccidents or injuries. Listen as children run to Jorge and tell him what campers were doingwhen a recent injury occurred. Take notes in the grid below about what happened to eachchild. You will hear each set of statements twice.Nombre del niño ¿Qué estaba haciendo el niño? ¿Qué se lastimó?JaimeLuisCristóbalÓscarFélix4312569682_TCW_W_CH5B 5/26/04 6:17 PM Page 102 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 5B 103Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 10The school nurse is explaining to some students situations in which they might need themedical treatments pictured below. Write what you might say about each treatment. Followthe model.Necesitas un yeso cuando te caes de la escalera y te rompes la pierna.1.2.3. WRITINGModelo69682_TCW_W_CH5B 5/27/04 6:30 PM Page 103 (Black plate)

Actividad 11Carmela is writing in her diary after a busy day. Look at the pictures below of what she andher friends did, and write short diary entries based on each one. Follow the model.Javier le dijo la verdad a su padre. No pudo mentirle a su papá.Mariel _______________________________________________________________1. ______________________________________________________________________Elena y yo ___________________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________________________Mis hermanos _______________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________________________Ayer yo ______________________________________________________________4. ______________________________________________________________________El cartero ____________________________________________________________5. ______________________________________________________________________A las nueve los estudiantes _____________________________________6. ______________________________________________________________________© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.104 Writing Activities Capítulo 5BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesWRITINGModelo69682_TCW_W_CH5B 5/27/04 6:31 PM Page 104 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 5B 105Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 12 On Friday the 13th, lots of people had bad luck. Tell what the people below were doing whensomething bad happened. Use the imperfect progressive tense and be creative. Follow themodel.Yo me torcí el tobillo.Yo estaba corriendo en el parque y no vi el plátano en la calle. Me caí.1. Marcos se rompió la pierna. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Luisa y su mamá chocaron con una bicicleta. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. ¡Yo salí de la casa sin pantalones y sin mis llaves! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Tú te lastimaste la cabeza. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. El camarero rompió todos los platos. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. Nosotros tropezamos con los juguetes en el piso de la sala. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. Paco y Ramón se cortaron los dedos. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. Marta y yo nos enfermamos. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. Yo choqué con otro estudiante en la escuela. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10. Tú te torciste la muñeca izquierda. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WRITINGModelo69682_TCW_W_CH5B 5/27/04 6:31 PM Page 105 (Black plate)

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.