Realidades 2 workbook Pages 301-350 - Flip PDF Download (2024)

Actividad 13Julieta is a girl who likes to do too many things at once. Last week, her hectic lifestyle finallycaught up with her. A. Look at the picture below and describe at least four activities Julieta was doing at thesame time. Follow the model.Julieta estaba leyendo.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.106 Writing Activities Capítulo 5BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesWRITINGModelo1. Now, think about a hectic day you or someone you know had recently. Write five sentencesto tell what happened. Follow the model.Mi hermana Julia estaba caminando y comiendo cuando se cayó y se lastimó la cabeza. escuchando la música69682_TCW_W_CH5B 5/27/04 6:31 PM Page 106 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Video Activities Capítulo 6A 107Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesVIDEOAntes de ver el videoActividad 1In this video you will hear an interview with a famous soccer player. Write six sentences theplayer might use to describe what happened in a recent game. Follow the model.El jugador metió un gol.1. _______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________2. _______________________________________ 5. _______________________________________3. _______________________________________ 6. _______________________________________¿Comprendes?Actividad 2Read the following statements about the video and decide whether they are cierto or falso.If the statement is true, write cierto. If falso, rewrite the statement to make it true.1. Manolo y Ramón están viendo una entrevista en la tele.2. Claudia tiene interés en la entrevista de Luis Campos.3. Luis Campos es el mejor jugador de las Águilas del América.4. Manolo y Ramón tienen planes para ir al partido de hoy.5. Claudia sabe cómo pueden ver el partido en el estadio.6. Manolo y Ramón no quieren ir con Claudia al estadio para ver el partido.Modelo69682_TCW_W_CH6A 5/25/04 6:30 PM Page 107 (Black plate)

Actividad 3Do you remember what happened in the video? Using the pictures to help you, summarizethe video in your own words. Follow the model.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.108 Video Activities Capítulo 6ANombre HoraFechaRealidadesVIDEOModeloModeloManolo y Ramón vieron una entrevista con “la Pantera”, Luis Campos., ¿qué más?Actividad 4If you were a reporter for the school newspaper, who would you interview? Why? Answer thesequestions. Then, write five questions you would ask during the interview. Follow the model.Voy a entrevistar a la presidenta del club de español. Quiero saber lasactividades que planea para el semestre. 1 2 3 469682_TCW_W_CH6A 5/26/04 6:18 PM Page 108 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 6A 109Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 5The popular radio program “Nuestra comunidad” is highlighting three successful youngwomen from the local Spanish-speaking community. As you listen to parts of their interviews,use the pictures below to decide whether the young woman speaking is Laura, Flor, orIsabel. Then, write the name of the young woman in the corresponding space. You will heareach set of statements twice.AUDIO1. _______________ 3. _______________ 5. _______________ 7. _______________2. _______________ 4. _______________ 6. _______________ 8. _______________Actividad 6In the past few years there has been a growing interest in women’s soccer. Listen as DonBalón interviews Eva Barca, a rising women’s soccer star. As you hear the different segmentsof the interview, read the following statements and tell whether each is cierto or falso. Youwill hear each segment twice.1. Eva Barca escucha el programa de Don Balón. Cierto Falso2. Don Balón sólo entrevista a las mujeres. Cierto Falso3. Las mujeres ganan más dinero que los hombres. Cierto Falso4. Hay un muñeco de Eva Barca. Cierto Falso5. Según Eva, no hay muñecos de los hombres jugadores. Cierto Falso6. Según Eva, su entrenador grita demasiado. Cierto Falso7. Según Eva, los aficionados son iguales para las dos ligas. Cierto FalsoLaura Flor Isabel69682_TCW_W_CH6A 5/26/04 6:18 PM Page 109 (Black plate)

Actividad 7How do contestants spend their free time during the “Señorita América del Sur” beautypageant? Listen as some women talk about what their friend(s) in the pageant did last night,and as others talk about what they are doing today to calm themselves before the finalcompetition begins. As you listen to each contestant, decide whether she is talking aboutlast night or today. You will hear each set of statements twice.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.110 Audio Activities Capítulo 6ANombre HoraFechaRealidadesAUDIO1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8AnocheHoyActividad 8Even though pets cannot express their emotions through words, they can express themselvesthrough their actions. As you hear each person describe his or her pet’s behavior, match apicture to the pet. Write the number of each pet owner’s description underneath the pictureof his or her dog. You will hear each description twice.3 6 15 4 269682_TCW_W_CH6A 5/26/04 6:18 PM Page 110 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 6A 111Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 9Yesterday in her popular talk show “Dime la verdad,” Lola Lozano had as her guests a groupof famous soccer players. The question on the program was “¿Qué lo vuelve más loco?” Inthe table below, take notes about what each one said. Then, use your notes to complete thesentences about each guest. You will hear each conversation twice.MIS NOTAS1. Luis se vuelve loco cuando _______________________________________________________ .2. Marisol se vuelve loca cuando ____________________________________________________ .3. Enrique se vuelve loco cuando ____________________________________________________ .4. María se vuelve loca cuando ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .5. Martín se vuelve loco cuando _____________________________________________________ .AUDIO69682_TCW_W_CH6A 5/26/04 6:18 PM Page 111 (Black plate)

Actividad 10You and your friend are flipping through the channels, and you have each found one thingthat you’d like to watch. Using the pictures below, describe each show in detail. The firstdescription has been started for you.1.2.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.112 Writing Activities Capítulo 6ANombre HoraFechaRealidadesWRITINGEs el campeonato de la Liga Internacional de Tenis.69682_TCW_W_CH6A 5/27/04 6:32 PM Page 112 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 6A 113Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 11Your Spanish teacher was absent yesterday, and has asked everyone in the class to tell aboutone thing that happened while he was out. Complete the students’ sentences by conjugatingthe verbs provided in the preterite tense and adding a logical conclusion. Follow the model.nosotros / competir Nosotros competimos en un concurso de belleza para practicar las palabras para describir la ropa.1. yo / servir2. Elena / sentirse3. todos nosotros / repetir4. Jacques / dormir5. tú / reírse6. Lola y Raquel / pedir7. Pancho y él / sonreír8. Susana / mentir9. yo / seguir10. nosotros / divertirseWRITINGModelo69682_TCW_W_CH6A 5/27/04 6:32 PM Page 113 (Black plate)

Actividad 12Look at the scene below from Mariela and Pablo’s wedding. Write at least six sentences totell what is happening at the moment. You may want to use the verbs casarse, enojarse,ponerse, aburrirse, dormirse, and divertirse.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.114 Writing Activities Capítulo 6ANombre HoraFechaRealidadesWRITING69682_TCW_W_CH6A 5/27/04 6:32 PM Page 114 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 6A 115Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 13Juanita just participated in a beauty pageant, and is writing a letter to her grandmother totell her what it was like. A. First, write sentences to help her describe where the event took place, who was there,and what everyone looked like. The first one is done for you.B. Next, list what Juanita and the other contestants probably did during the competition.The first one is done for you.C. Finally, use your sentences from Part A and Part B to help Juanita write her letter to hergrandmother. The letter has been started for you.WRITINGEstuve en el Teatro Central.Yo me vestí en una hora.Querida abuela:Hoy yo participé en un concurso de belleza. ¡Fue fantástico! 69682_TCW_W_CH6A 5/27/04 6:32 PM Page 115 (Black plate)

Antes de ver el videoActividad 1The next video is about a short movie that Manolo directs. Think about movies you haveseen recently and answer the following questions using words from your vocabulary. 1. ¿Qué clase de película fue? _________________________________________________________2. ¿Quiénes eran los actores principales? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. ¿Quién era el (la) director(a)? ________________________________________________________4. ¿De qué trataba? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. ¿Había mucha violencia o era más un cuento de enamorados?_____________________________________________________________________________________¿Comprendes?Actividad 2Answer the following questions in complete sentences in order to better understand the video.1. ¿Qué está haciendo Ramón en su habitación?2. ¿Quién entra a la habitación cuando Ramón está estudiando?© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.116 Video Activities Capítulo 6BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesVIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH6B 5/25/04 6:34 PM Page 116 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Video Activities Capítulo 6B 117Nombre HoraFechaRealidades3. ¿Qué quiere hacer Ramón con el periódico?4. ¿En qué idiomas puede hablar el mosquito?5. ¿Por qué Ramón no mata el mosquito?¿Dónde se va a esconder el mosquito el día del examen para 6. explicarle todo a Ramón? 7. ¿Quién mata el mosquito y cómo lo hace?VIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH6B 5/25/04 6:35 PM Page 117 (Black plate)

Actividad 3In the chart below are quotes from the video. Next to each quote, write the name of thecharacter who said it and the role he or she played in the movie. Follow the model.Frase u oración Personaje Papel“¡¡¡NOOOOOOOO!!!” Claudia mosquito1. “Tengo que estudiar y tú me molestas.” ___________________ ___________________2. “¡Yo quiero hacer el personaje principal!” ___________________ ___________________3. “¡Ramón, despiértate ya!” ___________________ ___________________4. “A ver... necesito tres actores.” ___________________ ___________________5. “¡No, no me mates, por favor!” ___________________ ___________________6. “¿Podemos tener efectos especiales?” ___________________ ___________________7. “Parece que estudiaste mucho.” ___________________ ___________________8. “Pero, Teresa, ¿qué has hecho?” ___________________ ___________________Y, ¿qué más?Actividad 4Now that you have seen the movie made by the characters from the video, think about afilm that you might like to create. In the spaces below, list the characters and describe theplot and the scene to get you started. Los personajes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________El argumento: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________La escena: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.118 Video Activities Capítulo 6BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesVIDEOModelo69682_TCW_W_CH6B 5/25/04 6:35 PM Page 118 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 6B 119Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 5The drama class is trying to decide on the cast of their upcoming spring production“Aquella noche.” Match the name of the person with his or her suggested role by markingan X in the corresponding square in the grid. You will hear each set of statements twice.AUDIOFernandoMaríaMatildeAntonioAlbertoCarmenEl (la)ladrón(ladrona)ElgalánEl (la)extraterrestreEl (la)detectiveEl (la)director(a)LavíctimaActividad 6Listen as people talk about movies they have seen. As you hear each opinion, fill in the gridbelow by writing or circling the correct answer. You do not need to write completesentences. You will hear each set of statements twice.¿La recomienda? ¿El argumento? ¿Qué cosa(s) le gustó/gustaron más?1. Sí / No Básico / Complicado2. Sí / No Básico / Complicado3. Sí / No Básico / Complicado4. Sí / No Básico / Complicado5. Sí / No Básico / Complicado69682_TCW_W_CH6B 5/26/04 7:20 PM Page 119 (Black plate)

Actividad 7In today’s episode of “Dime la verdad,” Lola Lana interviews actors and actresses on the setof a popular telenovela. She quickly learns that they all have very different moviepreferences. As you listen, write the number of the interview underneath the correspondingposter. You will hear each set of statements twice.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.120 Audio Activities Capítulo 6BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesAUDIOActividad 8Even though Julia’s grandmother only missed one episode of her favorite telenovela, she iseager to hear about what she missed. As Julia tells her about the last episode, answer thequestions below about what has happened with each character. You will hear eachconversation twice.¿Qué ha pasado?1. Javier _____________________________________________________________________________2. Marlena ____________________________________________________________________________3. Marco ______________________________________________________________________________4. Victoria ____________________________________________________________________________5. Marisol ____________________________________________________________________________2 4 13 569682_TCW_W_CH6B 5/26/04 7:20 PM Page 120 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 6B 121Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 9You and your classmates are creating storyboards to outline the plots of your upcoming classmovies. Listen as one student describes the plot line for his project. Take notes on each partof the plot in the top half of each of the storyboard boxes below. Then, draw a quick sketchin the bottom half of each box. You will hear the story twice.AUDIONOTES and SKETCHES#1 #2 #3 #4#5 #6 #7 #869682_TCW_W_CH6B 5/26/04 7:20 PM Page 121 (Black plate)

Actividad 10Look at the movie theater marquee below. For each movie, write at least three sentences totell what you think it might be about. The first one has been started for you.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.122 Writing Activities Capítulo 6BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesWRITING“Un verano que recordar” es una película romántica. 5/27/04 6:34 PM Page 122 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 6B 123Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 11 A. You are interested in hosting an exchange student from Spain. Fill out the form below sothat your school can find you a compatible student.WRITINGNombre _____________________________________________________________________________Edad (age) ____________________________________________________________________________Actividad(es) que te gusta(n) ________________________________________________________Comida(s) que te encanta(n) ________________________________________________________Clase(s) que te interesa(n) __________________________________________________________Tipo(s) de película(s) que te fascina(n) _______________________________________________Cosa(s) que te disgusta(n) __________________________________________________________B. Now, read Ramiro’s form below and write complete sentences to compare your interestswith his. Follow the model.A Ramiro le gusta leer pero a mí me disgusta. Prefiero más escribir. Based on your interests, do you think you and Ramiro are compatible? Why or why not?Write your answer in Spanish in one or two complete sentences.Ramiro Fuentes16esquiar, leer, ir al cinela carne, la pasta, los pastelesciencias naturales, inglésrománticas, de horrorla televisión, los gatosNombre _____________________________________________________________________________Edad _________________________________________________________________________________Actividad(es) que te gusta(n) ________________________________________________________Comida(s) que te encanta(n) ________________________________________________________Clase(s) que te interesa(n) __________________________________________________________Tipo(s) de película(s) que te fascina(n) ______________________________________________Cosa(s) que te disgusta(n) __________________________________________________________ModeloAnswers will vary.Answers will vary.Answers will vary.69682_TCW_W_CH6B 10/15/04 12:31 PM Page 123

Actividad 12Before becoming a host family to a Mexican exchange student, your family is asked toprovide a list of things you have done to become familiar with Mexican culture. Under eachcategory below, write three sentences about your real or imaginary experiences. The first onehas been done for you.Los viajesNosotros ________________________________________________________________________________Yo _______________________________________________________________________________________Mi hermano _____________________________________________________________________________Los deportesMi familia y yo __________________________________________________________________________Mi clase de español ______________________________________________________________________Mis padres _______________________________________________________________________________Las clasesYo _______________________________________________________________________________________Mi hermano(a) ____________________________________________________________________________Mis hermanos(as) _________________________________________________________________________Las comidasMi madre ________________________________________________________________________________Yo _______________________________________________________________________________________Toda la familia ___________________________________________________________________________© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.124 Writing Activities Capítulo 6BNombre HoraFechaRealidadesWRITINGhemos viajado a Cancún y hemos visitado las ruinas mayas.69682_TCW_W_CH6B 5/27/04 6:34 PM Page 124 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 6B 125Nombre HoraFechaRealidadesActividad 13You are writing a review for the school newspaper of a movie that you saw recently. A. First, write down the information requested below to give some background informationabout the movie. You may use your imagination.1. Nombre del actor principal _________________________________________________________Otras películas de él _______________________________________________________________2. Nombre de la actriz principal ______________________________________________________Otras películas de ella _____________________________________________________________3. Nombre del director (de la directora) ______________________________________________Otras películas de él (ella) _________________________________________________________B. Now, write five sentences about your opinion of the movie. Tell what you liked, what youdisliked, what interested you, etc. about the plot, acting, and directing of the movie. C. Now, write your review for the paper, using the information from Part A and Part B tohelp you. WRITING69682_TCW_W_CH6B 5/27/04 6:34 PM Page 125 (Black plate)

Antes de ver el videoActividad 1List eight ingredients that you would need to prepare your favorite dish. ¿Comprendes?Actividad 2Javier is teaching Ignacio how to make paella. The steps he takes and the things he tellsIgnacio are listed below, but they are in the wrong order. Order them correctly by writing a1 to indicate the first thing Javier said and a 7 to indicate the last thing he said.a. ______ ¡No tires el aceite! Y no añadas más. Ya tienes más que suficiente. b. ______ No uso ingredientes congelados. Sólo uso ingredientes frescos... por eso mi paella es tan rica. c. ______ Bueno, está bien. Pero primero vamos al supermercado..., a comprar losingredientes. d. ______ Primero tienes que calentar el aceite, en una sartén grande; como ésta.e. ______ No te olvides del aceite, y no dejes que se caliente demasiado. f. ______ Quieres decir, vamos a volver a empezar otra vez...g. ______ Quiero preparar una comida especial para Ana, para su cumpleaños. © Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.126 Video Activities Capítulo 7ANombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7ARealidadesVIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH7A 5/25/04 6:39 PM Page 126 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Video Activities Capítulo 7A 127Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7ARealidadesActividad 3You have just finished watching Javier and Ignacio have a cooking adventure. Answer thequestions below in complete sentences. Follow the model.¿Adónde van Javier e Ignacio?Ignacio y Javier van al supermercado a comprar los ingredientes parahacer una paella.1. ¿Qué sabe cocinar Ignacio?2. ¿Cómo es la paella de Javier? ¿Por qué?3. ¿Qué van a necesitar los jóvenes para hacer la paella?4. ¿Dónde se prepara la paella?5. ¿Qué tiene que hacer Ignacio con los ajos antes de cocinarlos?VIDEOModelo69682_TCW_W_CH7A 5/25/04 6:40 PM Page 127 (Black plate)

¿Por qué piensa Javier que Ana va a recibir una gran sorpresa, que6. no va a ser buena?Y, ¿qué más?Actividad 4Do you like to have big dinner parties or intimate dinners for two? What would you preparefor such a dinner? Write a short paragraph to tell about your ideal gathering and its menu.Follow the model.A mí me gusta reunirme con mis mejores amigos. En estas reuniones, me gusta cocinar algo como un pescado en salsa dequeso. Invito a varios amigos, y ellos traen los otros platos: la ensalada,la bebida y el postre. Nos ponemos a cocinar todos, y escuchamos música mientraspreparamos la cena. Al terminar, todos comemos una comida muy rica,y todos quedamos contentos de compartir una noche tan agradable.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.128 Video Activities Capítulo 7ANombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7ARealidadesVIDEOModelo69682_TCW_W_CH7A 5/25/04 6:40 PM Page 128 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 7A 129Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7ARealidadesActividad 5Alejandro’s older sister has been trying to teach him the basics of cooking. Listen to thequestions he asks her during one of their phone conversations. If the question seems logical,circle the word lógico and if the question seems illogical, circle the word ilógico. You willhear each question twice.1. lógico ilógico 5. lógico ilógico2. lógico ilógico 6. lógico ilógico3. lógico ilógico 7. lógico ilógico4. lógico ilógico 8. lógico ilógicoActividad 6Both Ignacio and Javier think they are expert cooks. As they are preparing paella, each wantsto make sure the other is doing it right. Listen to their conversations, and match each one toone of the pictures below. Write the number of the conversation in the blank underneath thecorresponding picture. You will hear each conversation twice.AUDIO5 3 21 6 469682_TCW_W_CH7A 5/26/04 7:22 PM Page 129 (Black plate)

Actividad 7Listen as different people give Roberto advice about cooking. As you listen to each piece ofadvice, decide whether the person is advising him on: a) getting ready to cook; b) things todo while he’s cooking; or c) things to do after he’s finished cooking. Place an X in theappropriate box in the grid below. You will hear each piece of advice twice.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.130 Audio Activities Capítulo 7ANombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7ARealidadesAUDIO1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Antes decocinar...Cuandococinas...Despuésde cocinar...Actividad 8Listen as a counselor at a Spanish Immersion Camp tells the campers what things are goingto be like at the camp for the summer. Draw a circle around the things that do happen, andan X over the pictures of the things that don’t happen. You will hear each statement twice.69682_TCW_W_CH7A 5/26/04 7:22 PM Page 130 (Black plate)

Audio Activities Capítulo 7A 131Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7ARealidadesActividad 9Ryan’s friend, Carmen, asks him to come to dinner at her home. Some of the things he eatsare very familiar, but others are not. Listen as they talk about what is on the dinner table.Write the number of each conversation under the corresponding item on the dinner table.You will hear each conversation twice.AUDIO© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.1524369682_TCW_W_CH7A 5/26/04 7:22 PM Page 131 (Black plate)

Actividad 10Your mother is running late and calls you from the store to tell you to get dinner started. Usethe pictures below to write what she tells you to do. Follow the model.Fríe el pollo en una sartén1.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.132 Writing Activities Capítulo 7ANombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7ARealidadesWRITINGModelo .......Answers will vary. Possible answers:69682_TCW_W_CH7A 5/27/04 6:36 PM Page 132 (Black plate)

Writing Activities Capítulo 7A 133Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7ARealidadesActividad 11Pancho is sick and goes to the doctor, who tells him what not to do if he wants to get betterquickly. Write the doctor’s instructions using the verbs below and your imagination. Followthe model.WRITING© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.hablar comer beber ir ser dormir empezar jugarNo comas ni las papas fritas ni los pasteles cuando estás enfermo. 5/27/04 6:36 PM Page 133 (Black plate)

Actividad 12A Spanish-speaking friend wants you to mail her your recipe for gazpacho. You are lookingat the recipe card in your files, but decide it would be better to write out the instructions in addition to the information on the file. Write out instructions for how to prepare thegazpacho, as shown in the first item.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.134 Writing Activities Capítulo 7ANombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7ARealidadesWRITING1. cortan el pepino (cucumber) y los tomates ........Modo de preparación:1. cortar 5. mezclar2. poner en una licuadora (blender) 6. probar3. picar 7. añadir4. añadir 8. servirSe necesitan:69682_TCW_W_CH7A 5/27/04 6:36 PM Page 134 (Black plate)

Writing Activities Capítulo 7A 135Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7ARealidadesActividad 13A. Your school is opening up a kitchen for students to use. Help the administration set rulesfor its use by first writing a list of the things that one can and should do there. Follow themodel.Se usa el microondas para recalentar la comida . Now, set limits by writing a list of six things that students should not do there. Follow themodel.No tires la comida en la cocina .© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.............ModeloModelo69682_TCW_W_CH7A 5/27/04 6:36 PM Page 135 (Black plate)

Antes de ver el videoActividad 1Make a list of six things you would bring to a picnic.1. ________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________3. ________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________Now, name three activities you might do on a picnic.1. _____________________________________________________________________________________2. _____________________________________________________________________________________3. _____________________________________________________________________________________Finally, name two things that could happen to spoil your picnic.1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________¿Comprendes?Actividad 2All of the following sentences are incorrect. Rewrite them to make them correct.1. Manolo es del campo y no le gusta comer en la ciudad.2. Claudia trae en la canasta toda la comida que preparó.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.136 Video Activities Capítulo 7BNombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7BRealidadesVIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH7B 5/25/04 6:48 PM Page 136 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Video Activities Capítulo 7B 137Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7BRealidades3. Los muchachos van al parque en el coche de Claudia.4. En el parque nadie hace fogatas.5. En el parque no hay puestos de comida; no pueden comprar nada.6. A Manolo le encanta la comida que hace Claudia.Actividad 3Answer the following questions in complete sentences based on the video.1. ¿Por qué a Manolo no le gusta comer en el campo?2. ¿Por qué Claudia no puede darles bebidas a los amigos?3. ¿Por qué escogen un sitio para sentarse por fin?4. ¿Quiénes dan una caminata por el parque?5. ¿Qué comida trajo Claudia? ¿Por qué?VIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH7B 5/25/04 6:48 PM Page 137 (Black plate)

Me gusta traer una canasta con mucha comida cuando quiero hacer un picnic.Y, ¿qué más?Actividad 4Picnics are a fun summer activity. Make a list telling what kind of food and beverage you like to bring to a picnic, who you like to invite, and where you like to have it. Use completesentences. The first one has been done for you.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.138 Video Activities Capítulo 7BNombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7BRealidadesVIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH7B 5/25/04 6:48 PM Page 138 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 7B 139Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7BRealidadesActividad 5The Cruz and Ramos families are getting together for their annual barbecue. Listen as theytalk about what they brought in their picnic baskets. As you listen to each family membertalk about a particular food item, look at the pictures below of the picnic baskets. Then,write C in the blank if you think a member of the Cruz family is speaking, and write R in theblank if you think a member of the Ramos family is speaking. You will hear each set ofstatements twice.AUDIO1. _______ 5. _______2. _______ 6. _______3. _______ 7. _______4. _______ 8. _______69682_TCW_W_CH7B 5/26/04 6:23 PM Page 139 (Black plate)

Actividad 7You are helping the Scoutmaster, Sr. Naranjo, assign tasks for the boys in his troop to do atsummer camp. Your job is to write each task in the chart below so that each pair of boysknows what to do. You will hear each task twice.Carlos y Ramón Lleven los sacos de dormir.1. Dani y Benito2. Adán y Miguel3. David y Enrique4. Jaime y Pepe5. Arturo y Benito6. Raúl y Tomás© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.140 Audio Activities Capítulo 7BNombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7BRealidadesAUDIO1 2 3 4 5 6Actividad 6Some people prefer the great outdoors and others prefer the comforts of being indoors. As youlisten to each conversation, determine whether the person is talking about eating outdoors orinside at a restaurant. Fill in the grid below as you listen. You will hear each set of statementstwice.69682_TCW_W_CH7B 5/26/04 6:23 PM Page 140 (Black plate)

Audio Activities Capítulo 7B 141Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7BRealidadesActividad 9Listen as guests on a cruise ship listen to instructions from the Activity Director about theupcoming “ship-to-shore” camping trip. She gives lots of advice on what to do on theirexpedition. As you listen to each piece of advice, decide whether she is talking abouttrekking in the woods or getting ready for the evening barbecue and bonfire. Put an X inthe correct box below. You will hear each piece of advice twice.AUDIO© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.¿Qué hizo? ¿Por quién lo hizo?¿Por cuántotiempo lo hizo?__________ horas__________ horas__________ horas__________ horasActividad 8Listen as people talk about what they did on behalf of their friends or relatives last week. Asyou listen to each conversation, fill in the grid below with the following information: 1) whathe or she did; 2) on whose behalf he or she did it; and 3) the amount of time it took. Forthe first column, choose from the following statements: a) Preparó una cena; b) Trabajó enuna computadora; c) Estudió matemáticas; d) Limpió el apartamento. You will hear eachset of statements twice.Consejos parael caminanteConsejos para haceruna barbacoa y fogata1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1069682_TCW_W_CH7B 5/26/04 6:23 PM Page 141 (Black plate)

Actividad 10Look at the picture below of the picnic Adriana recently had with her family. Help her write aletter to her pen pal describing the picnic. The letter has been started for you.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.142 Writing Activities Capítulo 7BNombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7BRealidadesWRITINGQuerida Laura,Saludos, AdrianaMi familia y yo decidimos comer al aire libre porque hacía sol ese día.69682_TCW_W_CH7B 5/27/04 6:41 PM Page 142 (Black plate)

Writing Activities Capítulo 7B 143Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7BRealidadesActividad 11Your teachers are making lists of rules for their classrooms. For each class below, write fourrules. Write two rules about what the students have to do in the class, and two about whatthe teacher must do in the class. Follow the model.1. TECNOLOGÍAlos estudiantesel (la) profesor(a)2. ARTElos estudiantesel (la) profesor(a)3. EDUCACIÓN FÍSICAlos estudiantesel (la) profesor(a)4. BIOLOGÍAlos estudiantesel (la) profesor(a)WRITING© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.No traigan ni comida ni bebidas a la clase.Empiece la clase a tiempo.69682_TCW_W_CH7B 5/27/04 6:41 PM Page 143 (Black plate)

Actividad 12Answer the following questions in complete sentences that include the word por, whereapplicable.1. ¿Qué fue la última cosa que compraste? ¿Cuánto pagaste?2. Por lo general, ¿gastas mucho cuando vas de compras? ¿Por qué?3. Cuando quieres mandar una tarjeta a un amigo, ¿cómo la mandas?4. ¿Cómo te comunicas con tus amigos durante un viaje?5. ¿Cómo viaja tu familia si quiere ir de vacaciones?6. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que viajaste con tu familia? ¿Por cuánto tiempo estuvieron de vacaciones?7. ¿Uds. caminaron mucho allí? Si no, ¿cómo pasaron de un lugar a otro?8. ¿Cómo es un día normal para ti? ¿En qué es diferente un día de vacaciones? © Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.144 Writing Activities Capítulo 7BNombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7BRealidadesWRITING69682_TCW_W_CH7B 5/27/04 6:41 PM Page 144 (Black plate)

Writing Activities Capítulo 7B 145Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 7BRealidadesActividad 13Your entire Spanish class is coming to your house for a barbecue next weekend. They haveasked you to e-mail them and let them know what to bring. Write three complete sentencesfor each group. Follow the model.Celia y Ramón: Vengan a mi casa a las once. Traigan la mayonesa, la mostaza y la salsa de tomate. No se olviden del cuchillo para servirlos.1. La Srta. Arrojo: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Catrina, Ramona y Carlos: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Luisa y David: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________B. Luisa and David would also like to bring a fruit salad, and have asked you to send themthe directions from a cookbook for making one. Write at least six instructions you wouldfind in the recipe for making a fruit salad. The first one has been done for you.WRITING© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Compren las uvas, las manzanas, los plátanos y la piña en el supermercado.Modelo69682_TCW_W_CH7B 5/27/04 6:41 PM Page 145 (Black plate)

Antes de ver el videoActividad 1There are many ways to travel: by plane, boat, bus, train, or car. Mark with an X the method oftransportation you think would be best for each situation. © Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.146 Video Activities Capítulo 8ANombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 8ARealidadesVIDEOsituacionesTengo sólo una semana de vacacionesy está lejos.Estamos planeando ir a Aruba, la islaen el mar Caribe.Somos estudiantes y no tenemosmucho dinero.Sólo puedo ir al acto de graduaciónpor el fin de semana.No me gusta manejar, pero meencanta ver el paisaje.Quiero llegar rápido para estar mástiempo con mis primos.No está tan lejos, somos muchos y tenemos mucho equipaje.Lo más divertido es conocer todas lasislas.Está lejos pero hay varios pueblosinteresantes por el camino.avión barco autobús coche tren69682_TCW_W_CH8A 5/25/04 6:53 PM Page 146 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Video Activities Capítulo 8A 147Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 8ARealidades¿Comprendes?Actividad 2Ana is writing to a friend about her upcoming trip. Some of her statements are true andsome are false. If the statement is true, write cierto. If the statement is false, rewrite it tomake it true.1. Elena y yo estamos planeando un viaje a Rusia para estudiar ruso.2. Esta mañana fuimos a la agencia de viajes para comprar el billete.3. Un vuelo directo a Londres en avión cuesta cincuenta euros ida y vuelta. 4. Decidimos viajar en tren y viajamos en el “eurostar” para ir de Barcelona a Londres.5. Compramos el billete para estudiantes. La agente nos dijo que muchos niños viajan así.6. El viaje dura como catorce horas y quince minutos. 7. Ya hicimos la reserva. Actividad 3Answer the following questions based on what happened in the video.¿Por qué está Ana tan impaciente en la agencia de viajes?1.2. ¿Para qué van Ana y Elena a Londres y por cuánto tiempo?VIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH8A 5/25/04 6:53 PM Page 147 (Black plate)

3. ¿Cómo quieren ir a Londres? _____________________________________________4. ¿Qué sugerencia les hace la agente de viajes? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. ¿Qué tipo más barato de billete pueden comprar? __________________________________¿Por qué Elena no está muy segura de viajar en tren? 6.¿Cómo deciden finalmente viajar a Londres las muchachas? 7.¿Por qué Elena y Ana tienen que regresar a la agencia?8.Y, ¿qué más?Actividad 4Think about a trip you would like to take one day with a friend or family member. Answerthe following questions to help create your itinerary. ¿Qué sitio te gustaría conocer en estas vacaciones?¿Cómo quieres viajar?¿Con quién te gustaría ir?¿Cuánto tiempo tienes para hacer el viaje?¿Qué documentos necesitas para el viaje?© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.148 Video Activities Capítulo 8ANombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 8ARealidadesVIDEO69682_TCW_W_CH8A 5/25/04 6:53 PM Page 148 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 8A 149Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 8ARealidadesActividad 5Listen to the messages recorded by different airlines for customers to listen to as they waitfor the next available agent to take their phone call. As you listen to each announcement,identify which picture best matches each taped message. Write the number of theconversation in the blank under the corresponding picture. You will hear each messagetwice.AUDIOActividad 6Several Spanish club members just got back from a summer trip to Europe with their teacher.On the way home from the airport, two girls talk about what happened on the trip and howtheir classmates acted. As you listen, decide whether the student they are talking about wasa buen(a) turista or mal(a) turista and mark the grid below with your answer. You will heareach conversation twice.Buen(a) turistaMal(a) turista1 2 3 4 5 62 4 13 6 569682_TCW_W_CH8A 5/26/04 7:23 PM Page 149 (Black plate)

Actividad 7When her friends and family find out that Elisa is going on a school trip to Europe, they allhave advice for her about her initial plane trip to Madrid. As you listen to each person’sadvice, match his or her suggestion to the corresponding picture below. Write the numberof the conversation underneath the correct drawing. You will hear each suggestion twice.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.150 Audio Activities Capítulo 8ANombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 8ARealidadesAUDIOActividad 8Listen to a panel of seasoned travelers and school officials as they give suggestions tostudents who are taking a trip next month. As you listen to each suggestion, decide whetherit is a: a) sugerencia para planear el viaje; b) sugerencia para el aeropuerto y durante elvuelo; c) sugerencia para cuando viajan por las ciudades que visitan; or d) sugerenciasobre qué comprar como recuerdo del viaje. Write the correct letter in each space below.You will hear each suggestion twice.1. _______ 3. _______ 5. _______ 7. _______ 9. _______2. _______ 4. _______ 6. _______ 8. _______ 10. _______2543 169682_TCW_W_CH8A 5/26/04 7:23 PM Page 150 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Audio Activities Capítulo 8A 151Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 8ARealidadesActividad 9People sometimes encounter difficulties while traveling. As you listen to each of these threepeople discuss his or her problem, determine what the problem is and circle the appropriateanswer. You will hear each discussion twice.Viajero(a) ProblemaSr. Machado a. Necesita ir a Chile para una reunión importante por la tarde.b. No tiene su pasaporte para pasar por la aduana.c. Su vuelo directo a Buenos Aires llega demasiado tarde.Sra. Manizales a. Perdió a su mejor amigo en el aeropuerto.b. Olvidó el oso de peluche de su hija en el avión.c. Olvidó una maleta en el avión.Luis a. Él es muy impaciente.b. Tiene miedo de las inspecciones de seguridad.c. Llegó tarde al avión.AUDIO69682_TCW_W_CH8A 5/26/04 7:23 PM Page 151 (Black plate)

Actividad 10You are showing your friend Ricardo your pictures from a recent trip to Guatemala. BecauseRicardo has never traveled by plane, he is curious about what it was like. Describe your tripto him, using the photos below to help you.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.152 Writing Activities Capítulo 8ANombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 8ARealidadesWRITING........69682_TCW_W_CH8A 5/27/04 6:42 PM Page 152 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 8A 153Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 8ARealidadesActividad 11Two new students at your school are asking you how to succeed in Spanish class. Answertheir questions below in complete sentences.BERTO: Nos gustaría saber más de la clase de español. Por ejemplo, ¿cuántas horasrecomiendas que nosotros estudiemos todas las noches?TÚ: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TITO: ¿Sugieres que nosotros tomemos la clase del profesor Álvarez?TÚ: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________BERTO: ¿El profesor Álvarez permite que los estudiantes usen los libros en losexámenes?TÚ: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TITO: ¿Qué más prefiere él que los estudiantes hagan?TÚ: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________BERTO: ¿Que prohíbe que su clase haga?TÚ: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TITO: Otra pregunta: ¿La escuela insiste en que yo tome tres años de español?TÚ: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________BERTO: Muchas gracias por tu ayuda. ¿Tienes más recomendaciones para nosotros?TÚ: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WRITING69682_TCW_W_CH8A 5/27/04 6:42 PM Page 153 (Black plate)

Actividad 12A. Some students and teachers are having an informal discussion in the cafeteria aboutsome issues at school. Combine a subject and verb from Columna A with a logical subjectand verb from Columna B to write complete sentences telling what some of the issues are.You may need to add some information to complete the sentences. Follow the model.Columna A Columna BNosotros/querer yo/saber el vocabularioLos profesores/preferir tú/ser malo El principal/prohibir los profesores/no dar exámenesLa profesora de francés/insistir en nosotros/ir a claseYo/recomendar tú/estar despiertoNosotros queremos que los profesores no den exámenes los lunes. Now, write three recommendations to your own school’s administration using the verbsser, estar, ir, saber, or dar.1.2.3.© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.154 Writing Activities Capítulo 8ANombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 8ARealidadesWRITINGModelo69682_TCW_W_CH8A 5/27/04 6:42 PM Page 154 (Black plate)

© Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.Writing Activities Capítulo 8A 155Nombre HoraCap Fecha ítulo 8ARealidadesActividad 13Your friend Rosario is coming to visit you from Ecuador next week. She is a bit nervous abouttraveling by plane alone, so you write her an e-mail reminding her of what to do whiletraveling. Complete the e-mail below with advice for Rosario. WRITINGFecha: 9/4/04Sujeto: Algunas recomendacionesRecipiente: [emailprotected]De: ___________________________Mensaje: Hola, Rosario. No puedo esperar hasta tu llegada.Antes de ir al aeropuerto, quiero que des elnúmero de tu vuelo a tus padres.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________¡Buena suerte y te veo pronto!_____________________________________69682_TCW_W_CH8A 5/27/04 6:42 PM Page 155 (Black plate)

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